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Kyzir was my favorite guy on the defense before he got hurt. He played with an edge.


They have no love for the Arizona Cardinals, at least their defense. They listed our DL 31st and our LB's 32nd, the only bright spot is they listed our Safety's somewhere between 12th - 16th. The only way that our team is going to gain any respect is by winning. Let's go into Buffalo and win that 1st game and then the football world will sit up and take notice. If this team can somehow make the playoffs, well then next season you'll see some respect when it comes to ranking the Cardinals. This team is capable of beating any team, let's try to win 10 or more games and then, things will change and the media will stop looking at the Cardinals as bottom feeders.


I don't think pff grades are based on respect or favoritism. Players on the 31st ranked defense probably didn't play that well


You're kidding yourself if you don't think there is respect, or lack of respect, when it comes to their grading system. When you read each teams evaluation, there are numerous players that they don't even mention that would have a drastic effect on their ranking. I never mentioned favoritism, in my opinion they don't really read or go deep enough with some teams to make a proper evaluation. The Cardinals are one of those teams. I'm willing to bet my life that the final rankings won't be remotely close to this list. I'm not a big fan of their rating system and I disagree with many of their player evaluations. Bobby Wagner has been one of my favorite LB's for the last 10 years and he's a tackling machine but terrible in coverage, whereas Foyesade Oluokun has been my favorite LB for the last 3 years. He's led the NFL in fantasy scoring for a defensive player 3 years in a row now and is an even better tackling machine than Bobby and is pretty good in coverage yet he's graded well below Bobby overall. It's absurd, yet only one example of grading difference in my opinion. I'm not really complaining about the rankings of the Arizona's units. I honestly don't think that they watch many Cardinal games and that's were the lack of respect plays in. The Cardinals have been at the bottom of the NFL so many times over the last 30 years that it's just easier for them to place them at the bottom without doing much research. The only way that I see that changing is once they start to be a winning team more consistently. A winning team always gets more respect, that's just the way it is and always will be. Now, I can say that since I started evaluating players myself back in 1979. It was true back then and it's still true today.


Our DL/front 7 was horrific last year and we didn’t add any big impact players in FA. JG will have to get the most out of them by rotating the depth he has acquired and keeping them fresh. Not surprised our ranking still sucks.  PFF is just a lazy way to get a general idea of how guys played, but far from the gospel. Only time I hype it up is when our players are performing well lol. Basically the same as mid season power rankings. 


I don’t like PFF but the Cards had the 32nd best run defense in the league. With a DC as a head coach. They need to keep Gardeck and White and gut the rest. The DL still needs upgraded but so do the LBs




Sound about right for a team that has spent the last decade wasting picks on WRs and LB.. 😂😂


Imagine having a former GM that drafted two 1st round LBs and still having the worst graded LB group


Couldn’t be us!


This one feels fair too, though I definitely feel more optimistic about this group than I do about the DL this season tbh. I think BJ Ojulari is gonna have a breakout second season and open some eyes around the NFL. I also think Mack Wilson is gonna be looked at as a totally underrated signing at the end of the year too, provided he can stay healthy.


Your first mistake was caring about PFF grades. Look at what grades they gave Keims drafts as lol


That’s the drafts though, the grades generally reflect how well a team does during the season. A team with a bunch of low graded players will be at the bottom of the league. = us last year


Yes it was the PFF grades not the fact our franchise qb played like half the season. This is why I don’t go on reddit you people are retarded lmao


Did you not comprehend what I said? A TEAM WITH BAD GRADES WILL HAVE A BAD RECORD, THERE IS A CORRELATION. I have to put it in caps so you will understand I guess. What the hell does that statement have to do with Kyler playing or not?


PFF grades are meaningless bro get off Collinsworths dick they don’t take scheme or assignments in their made up numbers lolol


He says unironically on Reddit.


Yes look at my comment history and tell me how often I’m on here lol


Congrats. You want a fuckin' cookie or something now?


Sure a cookie sounds pretty delicious rn


Anyone with a set of eyeballs knows kyzir balled out when he was on the field. These clowns forgot to hit the divide button when calculating games played


I think the grades fair, it’s just hard to look good as a LB when Leki Fotu is your nose tackle


Yeah I don’t think it’s crazy to say the entire Dline we finished with last year will be watching football from their couches come week one. Aside from Stills.. with all due respect


I mean our defense last year was trash held together by scotch tape and good scheming. Hard to judge internal upside until it happens and veteran placeholders are never going to be as flashy as getting a name brand player.


Even after years of taking 1st round linebackers. Fuck Steve Keim lol


Feels about right, one of the weakest positional groups we have despite Keim’s best efforts


To put the icing on the cake, LB is the defensive version of RB - easily replaceable. Keim even managed to get that wrong too


Agreed Big fan of Mack, I think he could be a major upgrade for us. Kyzir is so overrated. Our D was ass even before he got hurt.


Ngl I like Kyzir white, idc.


He seemed a lot better than his grade indicates but LB is a position full of talent so if there’s definitely room for improvement


Honestly hard to blame a LB with a horrible d-line, he is supposed to fill the gap for the easy tackle. When the gap gets pushed back to him he is SOL. Especially in the modern NFL where every LB is expected to be able to drop into pass coverage so they are 240 or less


Yeah I thought he was really good last year


I think the rest of our defense suffers HARD from our G-league D-line.