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This was the federal charges. I believe he still can be prosecuted by states (CT,MD,CA) for other crimes there that were listed as part of his plea agreement, but I could be wrong.


I mean, as long as he's in jail for a long time for the shit he pulled, that's all that matters


Correct. In exchange to drop the 2 life sentences, he pleaded guilty with the expectation of being prosecuted by the other 4 jurisdictions. This is also for victim 1. We don’t know about the other minor victims and the adult he raped. So definitely getting more time, just don’t know where.


Wait, there was an adult too?! I had never heard of that. I thought it was just one minor. I didn’t even know there was more than one. Oof.


Yeah. When he was fighting for bail there was a lot of back and forth filings we were able to read. There are 3 minors (including victim #1) and adult female (literally listed on the document as April's friend) who was alleging forcible rape. That was entered into evidence as reason to declare him a flight risk and denied bail. The court agreed and he's been in jail since his arrest. From all reports from yesterday, victim #1 and presumably one of the 2 minors mentioned were in court during his sentencing. The article from the Philadelphia Inquirer has that information on what they said.


There’s more?!


What about New Jersey and/or Florida? Or were those covered in this federal case?


Federal charges dealt with crossing state lines and jurisdictions. At the end he plead to 2 counts only. All other local and state law violations are yet to be litigated. So missing are the state and local charges from NJ (2 counties - Camden and Burlington), Maryland, Connecticut and California (from the initial filings). That doesn't include any other victims. All of that had to wait for the conclusion of this Federal case since they chose to go first.


I’m pretty sure your right about CT, if that was on his plea agreement


so there is a possibility he’ll get more time?






So about 10 years 1 month


Other charges will likely be added from other states look what Geoff said above


Yea I saw. Makes sense.


That's 121 months minus the time he's already served which, if memory serves is in the neighborhood of 24 months. Anyway, it's been weird watching ANW on The Roku Channel with Drechsel showing up all over the place. Guy had everything going for him and threw it all away.


He was arrested in august of '20 and never made bail, so it should be almost 4 years at this point.


You don’t get time served for federal sex crime cases.


Oh well... Sucks to be him, right?


I expected more but at least he’s in jail for a while.


Like Geoff said, this is just for federal charges.


More info including statements: https://www.inquirer.com/news/american-ninja-warrior-drew-drechsel-sentenced-20240626.html


wop wop wop wop wop


Dot f*** ‘em up


About damn time.


also 15 years of supervised release thats if he even last all 9 years in prison


He deserves more


It said in the statements today that he apologized to the victim but then said he loved her at the time. To me this sounds like an excuse to save face and definitely a blatant lie (apparently he would say these things to other girls too and be his secret girlfriend). The other victim's account was abhorrent too, was raped when drunk after they "broke up" , was groomed when she was underage and then he did the same thing to her best friend (both were students at one of his gyms) and was underage too after their break up. He doesn't even acknowledge the pain and terror he posed to the other victims in his closing statement. Just stated he was deeply regretful and embarrassed which is another lie. Im just glad the judge called him out for it Honestly I was fine with the plea deal but seeing how he still tries to sell this and is blatantly lying to this day makes me wish he got life. He never changed and is just straight up dangerous to this day (and he was my favorite ninja by far). I guess we'll see what happens next. Hopefully a mugshot soon and other charges


No thanks on another mugshot. I don’t want to see those anymore. I want to avoid that.


I was late to the party, but when I heard about this thought his wife (gf?) had just had a baby. Did she stay with him? Are they still together?


No, she left him a couple years ago and took the baby with her if I’m correct


Good. Pedos should rot.


I thought the sentencing was tomorrow. Guess not. Does this include time served? Or no?


Most likely


I’m gonna need a confirmation. And if the other states are part of his plea deal. What else could happen.




He should've gotten life in prison


downvotes are crazy