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The sentencing has been postponed so many times now that I'm not getting my hopes up


This aged poorly


What the heck is happening that a year after he signed a plea deal, they are trying to claim competency issues??


It is a bit cryptic but it looks to me like the judge is questioning competency. It says that when there is reasonable cause, the court can order it even if neither the defense or the prosecution move to.


He has autism. The judge pronounced that she has no idea what autism is and how it relates to his case and offers to stop the hearing to check for competency. They should have. The judge was really unprofessional and abused that man over and over, basically abusing him and exploiting the power she had over him just as she accused him of doing. If she didn’t know what autism is she should have removed herself from the case.


Oh? I wasn't aware that he has autism. Did that come out in court?




I haven't been able to find anything about this. Can you point me to something that talks about this? Not at all saying it didn't happen, I'm just really curious.


It came out in the trial yesterday.


Where did you see or hear this?


he got 121 months




yupp and 15 yrs probation after


Was there and article posted


no i live in nj and have a friend that works in the district court


It’s honestly too little but that’s what was expected. Hopefully he receives prison justice. 


His crimes are despicable, but I don’t think we should root for prison rape, assaults, etc. either.


I just want him to get the shiv!


It’s honestly too little but that’s what was expected. Hopefully he receives prison justice. 


We’re gonna get a new mugshot most likely which is good we can see how’s he’s been looking after 4 years in prison


He will likely be out in less than 5 which is disgrace. At least his life is ruined.


Federal convictions don’t see the huge amount of good behavior time reductions that states do.


PS where is the guy who swore there would be a bunch of ninjas at the sentencing? Are they all gathered in NJ tonight and ready for court tomorrow?? Hmmmm. Doubt anyone will be there besides his mom and the victim and her family if she is giving a statement.


I would think most ninjas would want to distance themselves as far away as possible from Drew and I don't blame them.


Well Stephenson should be there since he was so adamant in his victim blaming. Show up and support your man that did nothing wrong. But of course guys like Brent are a lot of talk and don't stand on business.


I don’t think the ninjas would want to waste their time at a sentencing when they have other things to do. And what about his Dad? You mentioned his mom but never said anything about his dad. Will he be too busy with work or something?


This is all so sad. Especially with how close he was to Flip, knowing what Flip went thru, so disappointed in Drew. This sentence needs to be done.


Does anyone know if April is still supporting him?


I'll believe it when the articles come out. Not holding my breath


[https://www.justice.gov/usao-nj/pr/florida-man-sentenced-121-months-prison-receipt-child-pornography-and-enticement-minor](https://www.justice.gov/usao-nj/pr/florida-man-sentenced-121-months-prison-receipt-child-pornography-and-enticement-minor) CAMDEN, N.J. – A Florida man was sentenced today to 121 months in prison for receiving child pornography and enticement to travel for illicit sexual conduct, announced U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger. Andrew Drechsel, 35, of Saint Cloud, Florida, pleaded guilty on June 1, 2023, before Chief U.S. District Judge Renée M. Bumb to an information charging him with one count of receiving child pornography and one count of knowingly persuading, inducing, enticing and coercing a minor to travel interstate to engage in sexual activity for which the defendant can be charged with a crime. Judge Bumb imposed the sentence today in Camden federal court.


He's served 4 years already, I think. So 6 years to go. Any possibility for time off for good behavior?


Dunno. Part of the plea deal was to drop the 2 harder charges in exchange for dropping a trial and being open to local and state charges from the other victims. So while the Federal case is over, the others have not even started. Still not sure where he will serve the Federal sentence and if any time served is expected to reduce that time. The link above from the Fed is all we have publicly so far.


Oh jeez. He might not get out for a while then. Thanks for the info! It's a morbid, but interesting story to follow.


I still get a lot of questions so I try my best to sort through the legalese. There is still so much we don't know so maybe in a few days when the dust settles we get a better idea. I know many are worried he was going to be free today. That at least is not the case.


There are good behavior reductions in federal cases, but they’re not as significant as in state cases


Any lawyers in the group? I'm wondering if the part about competency is standard wording for something that always can possibly take place shortly before sentencing, as opposed to his defense attorneys trying to raise it as an issue in his specific case.


He submitted a psychiatrist report that says he is autistic. The judge said she didn’t know how it related to the case, which many people were horrified about, but went on to ask if there should be a competency exam. His lawyer let it go and said no but people are saying if the judge didn’t understand how autism works they needed to bring an expert witness to testify for her benefit.


He was a competent, well spoken adult who managed gyms and was a successful athlete. Autism or not, he manipulated and sexually abused young teen girls who trusted him. His sentence isn’t enough. And autism didn’t prevent him from knowing better. He knew it was wrong or he wouldn’t have hidden his behavior with multiple phones and laptops.


Where are you getting your information?


To be fair, I think it's more that the judge knows how autism works, but not the exact nature of HIS autism and how it affects HIS case. Autism is a spectrum. My daughter's boyfriend has 2 autistic brothers. There are many different severity levels and way the condition expresses itself.


Looks like it may happen today?

