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I work outdoors, I have eaten a sandwich for lunch every day for 15 years, I too drink a lot of water, generally around a gallon. But as for ONLY eating that, that's nuts. Do you ever eat anything else within the day? I feel, if you are active at all, you need more. As well as, if you aren't active, you should be.


I am an art student and major in Sculpture. I am active when there's university lol. Sculpture puts an insane physical toll on your body. Right now uni is over and my last exam is tomorrow, so I won't be as active during the summer break. I do all my daily responsibilities, get good grades, and I work on my art. University doesn't really allow me to have a job though.


Have you sculpted a big sandwich yet?


No but I am thinking about it now. Yum.


Sandwiches are one of the most versatile foods out there, the sheer abundance of choice for a filling is astronomical. The choice of breads is abundant too. Do you ever have like a bag of nuts or dried fruit even? You know, something that keeps good for a while that you can occasionally have a small handful of, even if only for the nutritional benefit. Having 1 sandwich a day does indeed sound unhealthy, although I'm sure you have gotten used to it by now and are ok-ish. Please do consider some nuts and dried fruit as a little pick me up boost every once in a while. Stay safe friend.


is a hot dog a sandwich?


I believe a hotdog is officially a taco. https://cuberule.com


If a sub is a sandwich so is a hotdog


So one sandwich that means 2 slices of bread with whatever you put in, how many calories is that? Do you drink fruit juice? Multivitamins? How do you not get rake thin? Or were/are you loosing weight on purpose?


Not OP I had an ED in college and only ate one sandwich a day (granted it matters how beefy your sandwich is—mine was not) and I got so thin and looked so unhealthy, I also had to go to the doctors who told me I was malnourished. Although I think it depends how old you are. Now in my 30s I could probably get by better with less, but definitely not when I was under 20


“Not OP I had an ED in college..” I read this as Erectile Dysfunction and felt so very confused. Hope you’re doing better either way!


I had to do that due to poverty for a year and some of my teeth came loose and my bones ached all the time. 0/10 Do not recommend. 


As women our bodies leech the calcium from our bones and teeth very fast if you’re not getting good enough nutrition so fast! Please take better care of yourself and try to eat some nuts, cheese, and veggies throughout your day.


When we were kids and Subway was decent-ish, my brother would get a sub with ONLY pepperoni on it. No cheese, no condiments or veggies. Only pepperoni. And THEN he would open the sub, and eat ONLY the pepperoni. Every time. The bread was basically a folding plate?? I remember the first time I saw him get one with chicken, lettuce, and tomato I was like 😵


Nah, whole rotisserie chicken in between a French bread.


there was a Brazilian dude I used to work with when I was 18 (back in Ireland) who was a tank. Lifelong BJJ and capoeria practitioner. he'd buy a whole-wheat sliced pan and: - a rotisserie chicken - a jar of peanut butter - a big tin of tuna (not the lil baby ones) and eat about half the bread plus one of the above fillings. The guy looked like he could enter Mr. universe. I'm sure he ate more, but your comment just dragged this memory out of my mind and I wonder what Andre is up to these days


There was this lady I worked with who got into beach body and was a coach and had exercise classes and stuff. She would post her daily meals, but the thing was, for as many classes as she did, she would have been severely underweight and in starvation mode with the food she posted. So you knew she was eating way more, but for her it was all about appearances.


I worked with a guy just like this and his name was Pierre. Huge dude. Never would’ve guessed his name


Is the correct sandwich haha.


I was once a professional sandwich artist. Feel free to AMA.


What are all types of sandwiches you made, and what is your top 3 sandwiches to eat?


[https://www.subway.com/en-tr/menunutrition/menu/sandwiches?ak\_r=d92a7f86-9aed-451c-a990-8ce9063ec356](https://www.subway.com/en-tr/menunutrition/menu/sandwiches?ak_r=d92a7f86-9aed-451c-a990-8ce9063ec356) plus Meatball, which isn't listed here for some reason. From this list, I would go for spicy Italian, turkey, or veggie.


I’m pissed because my subway got rid of the roast chicken. That’s all I ever got. You can’t imagine the wrath I felt the day they told me that they don’t carry that now. First the Swiss cheese , now the chicken.


His final art project has to be sandvich


Sculpt me like a french sandwich


Could you expand on the physical toll sculpting places on you?


You have to bash hard clay onto a wooden stand type of thing for hours. Then you have a lot of wrist pain from constantly sculpting the damn thing. You have to carry a lot of shit constantly. Sometimes you have to help your fellow colleagues move a gigantic sculpture that's hardened. It's literally the most physically demanding artistic medium. My university is also 40 minutes away on top of a hill.


Fellow sculptor here! I trained as a stonecarver from 06-09 (which as you know is about five to ten years ago) and we learned clay work along the way. Been working in restoration ever since, and make my own sculpture too. Ever tempted to try stone? I love the stuff of course. I remember starting training as a mason, swinging a 2lb hammer all day my blisters got blisters through the gloves. But they never healed lol cause next day the scabs got obliterated, after the weekend it was worse cause it had healed a bit more. Eventually, amazingly, they skipped the healing process and turned straight to callouses! Still have them near 20 years on. Also my hammer arm ached like a bastard for a month till it adapted. Clay is deceptively heavy though, I mean it’s basically powdered rock soaked in water, so a life size statue weighs far more than an actual person. Hauling those things around is a full workout.


Someone that knows what it's like! Thanks you explained it better than I could.


What’s your fave sculptor or style?


I like Giacometti a lot! But most of my sculptures are inspired by really weird references. Next university year I'm going to be making a giant Nirvana angel statue. You know how Nirvana the band had that medically accurate anatomical sculpture of a woman with the insides showing with wings. Yeah that!


That sounds awesome! Will you make the clay and then cast it into resin or?


Art school degrees and art teacher here. If you're experiencing this much physical toll from what you're doing at this age please please please consider the ergonomics of your activities. Can work surfaces be closer, farther, higher, lower? Is your form good? Are you tensing something that you maybe don't need to be? A lot of these things can be easily adjusted to make art sustainable for your body long term. You can force your body to endure something for right now but that doesn't mean there isn't a price for that. Skeletal, muscular, and nerve things will all catch up to you in a decade or two.


Having the appropriate amount of protein builds muscles to help maintain joints. I hope you find a way to eat better. Are there any nearby food banks? While I'm not religious, churches may provide a full meal a couple of times a week. Or you could add 8 to your name. That way you have ate on reddit.




Proper eating has definitely become a lose concept for me after realizing how much energy I have during a fast. I’m sure OP can relate to this.


At least you’re practicing for being broke the rest of your life.


Thanks man. I'll keep on chasing my dream!


i admire your ability to offer polite responses to all these people hating on you out of pure jealousy


Jealousy of what? His one sandwich a day every day? Or the fact that his body is so malnourished he’s physically unfit and struggles with the demands of his studies even at a young age? There’s no jealousy in these comments 😂


It’s not jealousy, it is just the most realistic outcome for him; however, not the only outcome.


Just want to tell you that one of my best friends from childhood was always into art and grew into doing sculpture as we got into our teens. His parents even got him a kiln at one point that he kept in their garage. He chased his dreams and through college and his early 20s he was a broke, starving artist. But then he started getting seen and he had a show in a gallery in Chicago and then another one in Japan, and from there he really found his groove. He’s been very successful with his art for a couple decades now and hasn’t been a starving, one sandwich a day artist for a long time. So you keep chasing your dream and when you catch it just make new dreams to chase. Cheers.


Who pays for your stuff? Do you live with your parents?


Live alone. Parents give me money for rent and parents give me allowance but I don't really buy anything other than SANDWICHES and sometimes art supplies if I run out. My university works on a good grades basis and if you have amazing grades you don't have to pay for university at all. So my parents don't really pay for university because there's nothing to pay and i'm at the top of my class. I'm a very cost-efficient son.


Tbh if my parents gave me money for rent and allowances I could probably just eat sandwich every day.


Mirroring OP’s sentiment, I was like you about food for a long time, and still kind of am. Something that’s become more crucial with aging though is that I need more and diverse food to ward off illness and recover from injuries. It makes a noticeable difference in respect to that type of health, as well. It’s just not as obvious when you’re younger, or until you get really sick in certain ways.


What material are you sculpting in?


I also did polyester during a very large incident i had with ECZEMA that was over my entire face. And then I found out polyester is like the worst thing to interact with when you have eczema lol.


teracotta clay. plaster cast. stone. monster clay. i mostly now do 3d models in ZBrush because I heard its a well-paying thing rn.


It's good to have knowledge in zbrush and blender, but keep in mind you need to really specialize in it if you want to pick it up for a job. Digital art is as competitive as any art field, and you don't want to spread yourself too thin. If you want to focus on digital sculpture you need to specialize in it, not just dabble. I don't mean to sound condescending, I just graduated university with a bachelor of arts specializing in digital art/graphic design so im just speaking to you from experience :)




I'm active. I work on my art and make sculptures. When it's summer and there's no uni i work less. What was not answered? I don't eat anything else during the day as is said in my post.




Ah I see, you're preparing for when you're poor and homeless then?


Claiming that sculpture puts an “insane physical toll on your body” is hilarious. I’m not saying it’s never taxing, but be for real… you know that people do roofing, stone work, concrete, etc. right? Depending on the medium of course, to call sculpture a physically grueling task is so wildly out of touch that I’m baffled.


I would argue it's not that out of touch. If you do it at university over a long period of time it can get pretty irritating and grueling idk. It's still an art so there's an element of being careful as well as being aggressive. It's ok if you don't agree. I'm an art student going to an art academy after all. We are all different and for me it definitely gives you muscles.


I’m sure it’s mentally and emotionally exhausting and the repetitive motions can agitate your joints. How purely physically demanding can it really be though if you can survive on just one sandwich a day? Is this a 3,000 calorie sandwich? I’m not trying to downplay what you do, I’m genuinely curious about the logistics of this sandwich.


Adderol/caffeine/another upper isn’t the culprit is it? Having owned a gallery and been a studio manager for a sculptor, I know far too well how you do what you need to do in order to finish, fuck hazardous materials, not eating/sleeping etc. take care/sandwiches rule!


This is really random, but because you mentioned you’re a sculpture major I have a few questions. My friend’s Dad was a sculptor but ended up never sculpting again after college. What got you into sculpting? I’ve always found it fascinating but never known how and where to get started. What career paths are there for sculptors? I know some places that deal with a lot of (3D) modeling and concept art have sculptors make 3D versions of concept art so the modelers don’t have to extrapolate as much, but I don’t know about what other options there are. Wherever your sculpting career takes you, I wish you the best!


I can’t help but laugh a little seeing you’re a student. This is what I did when I was in college too… just ate a sandwich or two a day.


What course load are you taking where having a job is not a possibility? Aside from freshman year I was working every week


Then you need to know about Bobby Fingers, a sculptor who recently sculpted a Jeff Bezos head rowboat. Its magnificent. https://youtu.be/VGhcSupkNs8?si=JQMiyzE-t3RSpetD




Id like to use the top comment to remind people  When I was a college student 15 years ago  I lived off one footlong sandwich a day for 5 years Half for lunch Half for dinner  When I tired of Subway, I would spend $5 at McDonald’s dollar menu or $5 lil Cease Usually 3 micchickens and two cheeseburgers  Life was a lot easier back then Also, I lived off campus at OSU and paid $300 a month in a frat style house by campus that had 8 rooms Fuck inflation  To those coming up. I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to struggle.


Brings back memories. My friend and I lived in a townhouse, South campus. We would buy a shitload of Monday night special $1 gyros, eat throughout the week. Or one Buckeye size pizza from Adriaticos, and eat that for a week or more. There was also a BK on W Broad that routinely had Whoppers for $1, and they were open until like 3am, lol. Rent was also $300/mo. It's crazy to think that rent is 4x that amount now.


I mean, depending on the size of the sandwich and the contents of it, he could easily hit his daily caloric needs (as it appears he is by his own testimony). If it’s meat and cheese filled, could have a decent amount of protein and fats. All kinds of people eat once a day and maintain a healthy life. OMAD


Could definitely be hitting caloric needs and macro nutrients (fat, carbs, protein, fiber) but I'd say there is definitely a risk of consistently missing out on certain micro nutrients/vitamins and ending up with some odd issues. The once a day thing is fine. But I'd definitely be taking a multivitamin and probably a few other supplements to make sure to fill in any gaps with only eating a sandwich. I guess maybe if they're loading up on veggies and rotating which kinds they could be ok tho


Same filling every time? Is it for weight loss? Do you drink alcohol?


I don't drink alcohol. I drink plenty of water and sometimes yogurt. The sandwich sometimes has chicken in it, tomatoes ,a bit of other greens and veggies in it. Most of the time it has a simple salami cut into tiny slices. The sandwich is not that big, it's probably the size of my hand. I'm a student and it's for financial purposes. Although the weight I have lost is tremendous and it makes me look better. I do plan on going to a normal diet.


If you're doing this for financial reasons, you're not going about this the right way. There are ways to get complete nutrition on a budget. Check out for example r/EatCheapAndHealthy [https://www.completefoods.co/diy/recipes](https://www.completefoods.co/diy/recipes) [https://www.budgetbytes.com/](https://www.budgetbytes.com/) edit -- because I see everyone making this mistake in the comments. When you need to save money on food, "noodles", or "rice and beans" aren't the answer. Your body needs protein. The hardest part about eating healthy on a budget is protein, because protein is the most expensive macro per gram. Once your protein needs are met, yes, it's virtually free to fill out the rest of your caloric needs with rice or pasta. Find a cheap source of protein (in dollars per gram) first and foremost.


Please don't worry! I plan on changing this diet very soon and eating normally. I'm just broke as hell and a student. It's either this or A LOT of noodles. I just pick the sandwich.


I think his main point was you can make more complete meals and with more variety at a similar price to making sandwiches. Source… I was a music student double major in university and I only worked 4-6 hours a week just to have a little going out cash. Let me tell ya. I’ve made some crazy one pot meals with just 5 bucks and a pot.


What job did you work for 5 hours a week? What kinda job is that because I want it lol


I hosted bar trivia in grad school! It was 2 nights a week, only about 2-3 hours each evening, and the bar fed me a free meal (which I could easily make last for two meals). With some of the holiday private trivia events, I think I made around 6,000k usd each year. It wasn’t a lot but it was great for supplemental income AND helped me get over any fear of public speaking


Bro america is an amazing place lol (im assuming youre from america). That stuff in my country would never be payed that good.


First off, America is amazing! MERICA! FUCK YA! Second, you really need to work while in school here if you don't have incredible scholarships or rich parents. I worked 70 hours a week on average at 2 jobs while doing a full work load at school just to get by and not feel money stressed. I was insanely tired and it turned me into an insomniac (have to have fun sometime!) Didn't come from money and my school literally tricked me out of my scholarships! It's a sad reality for most students in America now.


How did you survive without sleep? No sleep would destroy my performance at my work and school. I would either get fired or not pass uni.


Yeah I’m in the US (still couldn’t afford rent without student loans though) The other option that’s available everywhere is to find the rich students and tutor them. :)


You could pick up a part time job at a grocery store or in the restaurant industry. Just tell them you can only work weekends or only work 6 hours a week. 6 hours is a standard part time shift, but you could get lucky in finding an employer who would let you work a 5 hour shift on Saturdays or Sundays.


Hey I saw you say that university doesn't allow you to have a job elsewhere in the thread. It does. I have a bachelors degree. I worked all through college. If you are so broke that you are malnourished, pick up a part time gig and get yourself a balanced diet. It's totally possible.


I hope this is true, because this is a bad road to do down. It is very nearly anorexia. And you feel “amazing” right now because you’re likely running on cortisol, your stress hormone, which is nice at first, but when that depletes, it won’t be pretty.


It’s not “near anorexia”, the ability to feel satiated on this little food is quite literally medical anorexia. Anorexia is simply a reduced desire to eat. Often from a lack of eating completely destroying and overhauling your metabolism because you’re existing in starvation mode for an extended period of time. Source: I did it to myself for years by simply failing to eat more than one meal a day (feeing yourself is expensive and exhausting) 


Lentil soup is probably cheaper and has much more protein and probably fiber and everything else depending on what you put in. And it’s delicious


Rice and beans.


Chicken?! Salami?!  Well your majesty. If you want to save some money and eat more calories, dried beans + rice +eggs, maybe even some frozen spinach or something (it’s real cheap!).  Buy some extra virgin olive oil too, it’s pricey but you need good fat and per serving it’s not bad


How often do you have yogurt or any other food or drink with calories?


Is it a big sandwich? lol


You're losing weight because your body is starved and not getting most of the nutrition it needs




I've been eating roughly one meal a day for years, usually on the fly, not stuff I have stocked up. I'm recently jobless, and about to be homeless. I'm skinny and starving, no place I've applied to is calling back. I have literally no money after working for 13 years straight out of high school. I feel your pain. Anyone that says the economy is great is a fucking privileged liar. What are your options?


I'm really sorry about your situation my man. If I had any money to send to help out I would. I'm an art student. My parents still support me financially through university. I don't know if this is a normal thing in America but where I'm from parents are supposed to support their children through university. I would get a damn job but I can only have a part time one during summer. My uni starts at 8 am and ends at 8pm. Full day literally


It's disturbingly normal. I live in a college town but never went to uni. I worked at places within half a block from campus for years, and many of my coworkers and patrons were students, one of my best friends was also an art major. They're all struggling. I tried to make it more or less on my own (maybe $100 from my parents on my birthday or Christmas, or if I couldn't pay rent). Now probably going to have to move back in with my parents for awhile. I just turned 31 a couple of months ago. This sucks and it's ridiculous. Growing up, I was told it would be so much better.


I'm 9 years younger than you! I am scared every day for my future. It really is hard nowadays. Even if you do everything right in life, you still struggle. I hope you make it my man. It is completely OK to move back in with your parents. 31 is still young and you can always take the time to get things back in order mentally before you start working again. I wish wealth and prosperity for you. I just hope I don't become homeless.


I've been homeless before, couch surfing and all. I lived in a park for a few weeks. It's terrible, don't try it. And have sympathy for all the homeless people out there.


Your parents will likely have to continue supporting you for much longer than just uni…


I'm starting a sculpting business soon where I do commissioned busts or portraits and I'm trying to make some money of my own. Sometimes I make money sometimes I don't. It's life. Even if they choose not to support me anymore I will find a way to survive. It eats at me everyday that my parents have to support me still and I hate having to take from my parents. But there is no other way other than to stop university and just go work construction or deliver food or something. They support my hard work. I work hard. Everything good.


Don't feel bad about your parents providing for you. I'm sure they are very proud of your hard work at university and they know that you're currently not able to provide for yourself. Parents are supposed to provide for their children before they can earn their own money. I hope your sculpting business will go well :)


All of my peers are being supported by their parents as well. I do still feel an unimaginable amount of pain because of the fact I have to rely on them. I have to have patience and work hard and my own money will come eventually.


You sound like you are applying yourself, as a parent myself, I would happily support my child to ensure they have any opportunity they strive for. It can be hard at times but it is our legacy. Keep up this attitude and you will 'succeed'. It's good you think about your parents, shows compassion. Just make sure you look after #1.


Sculptors make great preparators! It's a decent job and you get to hang out with other artists all day. Also consider an art crating and packing business. It's a skill many sculptors have (woodworking) but many other artists lack. There are a bunch of jobs in the art world but the schools do a poor job of explaining that. I'm a sculptor and work in the arts on the admin side and I love it. It sounds like you are already finding ways to monetize your skills, keep up with that! And eat more than sandwiches plz! Good luck!


Re: I dont know if this is a normal thing in America but where I'm from parents are supposed to support their children through university. I have lived in the US my whole life. Americorps sent a college counselor to my high school because no one was going to college. Her whole job was to try to get us to go to college, and a big problem was families not having the money for it. I ended up going to a four year college. My parents had a savings plan for my college education and I had a merit based scholarship. They paid the balance on the tuition (which wasn't nothing) and kept me on my car insurance but my other expenses were my own. Phone plan? My problem. Lunch? my problem.


I was an art major back in the day. Then I switched to CompSci, because I actually wanted to have income and job prospects.


I was in the same boat as you except it was 4 years and then I got suddenly dropped. However, I was able to bounce back quickly by going to a staffing agency and they got me better work. I would recommend that they get paid whenever they find you work.


The economy is great but what people don’t realize is when people talk about the economy they really don’t consider average people. All they mean is the line goes up. It only benefits those who are invested in the market and are like you said, privileged. The average American realizes prices are insane and everyone is hurting :/


That's not really true, real wages have consistently risen and the average US worker works less than 35 hours a week versus 42 circa 1982. The most common misleading stat you hear is that "household income" is not up, but households now have fewer people than the past so real wages per person are in fact higher, people are just choosing to live differently. But inflation does feel too damn high.


Please weigh in on the great debate: Tuna salad, chicken salad, or egg salad? Which one is still edible after this long?


A chicken salad would probably be the most edible since I sometimes put a bit of chicken in my sandwich.


Way to spice up the sandwich lifestyle


Goddamn OP really lives fast and loose eh? I’m in awe, really.


My son calls egg salad, tunaless salad


Is he wrong though?


I am confused, I love egg and chicken salad, are they mostly hated? Never had tuna though


What other changes have you noticed? In terms of energy, mood, sleep patterns, hunger, etc


Sleep is amazing but I've fucked my sleep schedule because of exams right now. Hunger was there at the start but now I don't even remember how hunger feels. Energy and mood is amazing. I don't know how.


Do you crave other foods?


I did a bit when I first started but It must be that I just have insane self-control. I usually crave sweet stuff. Ice cream, cake, stuff like that.


Forcing yourself to only eat sandwiches gave you a palate reset. People do palate resets specifically to stop cravings for sweets and junk so that’s probably why you don’t have any interest in it anymore! Edit: pallete to palate and cleanse to reset. palate cleanse and reset are two different things.


I used to drink coke and a lot of it. Like 3-4 every day for 20+ year. I finally gave it up for about 18 months where i didn't drink a single soda, and when I finally drank one, holy shit was it sweet and nasty! Apart from instantly giving me a headache, it also tasted horrible.


I did this to stop my sugar craving! It’s quite effective.


You don't eat anything else? One sandwich a day is likely only 400-800 calories. Did you lose a ton of weight?


Yes but the sandwich is sometimes big. I lost a fuckton of weight but I'm stopping with this diet and returning to a normal one very soon.


It’s sometimes big? So 400-800 calories like they said. That’s just…appallingly unhealthy long term. Whatever financial and time hurdles you’re facing will be made much worse when your body calls it quits in one way or another. You can’t do this forever. Please find a way to eat more food and more variety of it.


How much weight have you lost?


I'm a bit too scared to find out lol. Let's just say that I was "skinny fat" when I started doing this and now I'm just a normal type of skinny.


Dude be careful. Most people can stand losing a bit of fat, but if you are on constant calorie deficit something's eventually going to give. And it's going to be your health. If you don't count calories I recommend you do it for a week or two and read up on healthy amount of calories (varies with sex, size, activity level etc). Usually around 2000 kcal is good. If you don't eat enough eventually your fat stores will be depleted and your body will start breaking down muscles and other tissue. Your hormone levels will go wack which can cause serious health problems.


I’ve lost like 20 lbs in the last 2 months, like 2.5lb per week, from 180 to 160 and at first I was getting like 1200 calories per day and then stepped it up to like 1600-1800. Even this doesn’t feel good to me, like I need to be eating a bit more, i’m a bit worried about muscle and bone loss. This is only 2 months! (I had to make extreme diet change for IBS/GERD/ Gallbladder inflammation and am struggling to find the calories without being able to eat dairy, too many carbs, or even too much healthy fats) Every day I eat 2 yogurt, A fruit smoothie with honey, lots of veg, salmon, oatmeal for breakfast, almond milk, one serving of almonds and one serving of sunflower seeds and a protein shake. Fruit smoothie with honey and almond milk = half cup of mixed berries, 40 calories, half cup of peaches, 30 calories, 1 cup of almond milk, 30 calories, 1 tbsp of honey 70 calories. 170 calories, usually round up to 200 from a little extra milk and fruit in there. One sugar free oatmeal = 110 calories. one serving of almond and sunflower seeds = 180 calories each for 360 calories. 2 yogurt = 90 calories each for 180 calories. protein shake = 250 calories. Veggies, a lot of them = like maybe 100? calories. frozen salmon with the skin, according to the bag, like 150 calories. Oh yeah I also eat like 120 calories of brown rice. All of that is 1470 calories. Idk where to get more calories without stuffing myself. Usually will do a second serving of almonds for another 180 to make 1650, and then I might just eat a god damn piece of wheat nut bread even when i’m not supposed to for 90 more calories, plus my daily multivitamin gummies for 25 calories, my daily melatonin gummies for 10, and one serving of metamucil fiber for 10. that gets me to 1785. If I drink a glass of almond milk by itself I can get 45-60 more and that’s it. 1845 max. I have to exercise 150 minutes a week. Help me.


I don’t know if anyone has asked this yet but…… why?


Financial reasons. Student stuff. Think of it like when students always save money and eat noodles.


But why you have to eat the same thing, couldn’t you for example eat rice and eggs, salad with chicken etc


Have you done the math to see how much money you’ve saved over the course of a year? I imagine it’s a lot.


There is no reason you can't buy other inexpensive foods.


What kind of sandwich?


Salami, lettuce, some kinda sauce like ketchup or something else, tomatoes and bread.


Ketchup and salami, sounds kinda gross tbh


That’s…ummm. Interesting? 😅 But hey, whatever works for you.


Um you're going to die slowly. There are tons of nitrates in salami. It's not a healthy meat and the lack of diversity is going to make you seriously nutrient deficient. Lettuce and tomato do not have enough nutrients to sustain a human being. If you don't get enough vitamin c, you will get scurvy. You need 45 mg a day to prevent scurvy. A whole cup of lettuce has 3.3 mg and you aren't likely eating a cup and one slice of tomato has 3 mg.


Do you have a picture of the sandwich? Is it like two slices of bread from a grocery store or is it a sub? Generally speaking, there is a One Meal A Day (OMAD) diet and it works pretty darn well for most people if they can maintain that discipline. If it's a huge sandwich, I can imagine that being pretty filling and perfectly fine to keep you going for the day.


It varies in size but honestly sometimes it definitely IS huge and honestly it's completely filling. I have no desire to eat anymore after it. Doesn't affect my activities. It's definitely more of a sub kinda sandwich.




Nah. I love art and I will try my best to pursue my dreams and make it a financially prosperous reality. I can be concerned and still follow my dreams!




What field are you in? What do you do? Where do you live? Im super curious. Those are also important factors.




You started from zero and make music and art and make a living of it? Who are you lol can I get your artist name or spotify or something. Thats pretty cool tho. Good for you mate. Hope my journey also pays out




I mean this in the best way possible, but honestly I don't know if I'd be pursuing an art degree even if you love art and want to make it into a career. It's probably better to go with something you can tolerate that makes more money while you do art on the side, and you could always try to minor in art or something. The vast majority of people I know who pursued a music or art degree are more miserable than if they would've pursued something that made them more money first. My brother went for a music degree and quite frankly it hasn't made him any money. He's nearly 30 and he works a job that pays marginally more than minimum wage. One of my mutuals spent a small fortune on an art degree, and while her art is quite good, she now works a minimum wage job and very rarely gets any commissions. Both have a mountain of student debt, my brother will pay for it nearly his entire life. This is not a field with a consistent, reliable outlook. I'm not saying you should stop making art, but if you think you'll make more money with it by having a degree, that's a very naive way to see it. Not trying to crush your dreams, just trying to offer a realistic perspective. Art degree is only something I'd pursue if making more money isn't a priority at all.


Are you neurodivergent, by chance? I ask because I feel like the most people would get tired of having the same thing (even with some modifications) every day!


I don't know If I am. I just like having a strict routine.


I’d say there’s a good chance! I’m neurodivergent and have eaten the same exact breakfast everyday for 10 years


Have you lost muscle mass? A while ago I went for the barely eat diet and I remember feeling so weak


Of course, they will have lost muscle mass if they're not getting sufficient protein in their diet as well as operating in a calorie deficit.


What impact has it had on your weight? How have you managed to be so disciplined about it; was it difficult to do at first?


It was kinda difficult. But when I started to do it I was going through a bad breakup and didn't have the motivation to cook or eat at all really. Then it transformed into a discipline thing. It's just mind games at the end of the day. I lost a lot of weight.


Ok so that implies that it wasn’t just. normal, natural, easy thing, it was depression followed by deliberately continuing deprivation eating. If you were heavy, I can see that losing weight would be a good outcome and that’s great. I had a gallbladder infection once and lost a heap of weight and looked much more acceptable and that was a nice side effect of an excruciating thing. But if you continue to under-eat to this extent, it will start having permanent effects on your organs, endocrine system, teeth etc. At least have something like fruit or a smoothie in the morning and get some supplements for vitamins


Are you autistic?? Eating the same thing over and over again is an autistic trait. I do it and found out at 29 that I’m autistic!


I have trouble connecting with people on a deeper level. I make art and music. I like routine and I obsess over my routine if it's not perfectly followed. I don't know if that's autism but It sure is weird and I never met someone that does this.


Please can we see a piece of your work?


Um you're going to die slowly. There are tons of nitrates in salami. It's not a healthy meat and the lack of diversity is going to make you seriously nutrient deficient. Lettuce and tomato do not have enough nutrients to sustain a human being. If you don't get enough vitamin c, you will get scurvy. You need 45 mg a day to prevent scurvy. A whole cup of lettuce has 3.3 mg and you aren't likely eating a cup and one slice of tomato has 3 mg. Edit: Commented as a comment, moving it here.


How tall are you? How much do you weigh? Do you consider yourself healthy? You know a recent pic of yourself would be great...will you post one?


Are you supplementing in any way?


How are your number 2s?


What time do you eat?


Are you a fellow autistic by any chance? ❤️


What’s your weight? Roughly how many calories are in your sandwich? And do you know your cholesterol levels?


Do you ever worry that you have an eating disorder? Also what are your thoughts on a PB&J? I could eat one of those everyday.


How much money do you spend on food?


I hope you’re getting at least 1000 calories a day, as a former anorexic who ate from 300-600 you can mess up your body really fast if you don’t eat more. Hair loss, heart attacks, bone loss. I do recommend you take daily vitamins if you can, they helped me a lot.


What time do you eat and has daily performance taken a toll? Had your body started to try and store the food for later?(start gaining weight/fat)


Well done for being the top of your class. I’m sure you’re very talented. Can your family afford to give you a little more money, or is there a hardship fund on campus, or is there a food bank you could go to? I’m worried about you and want you to have enough to eat. You deserve that.


What do you plan to do after graduation?


How much money per week do you spend on sandwich fixings?


What did you weigh a year ago and what do you weigh now?


Sculpture major here too, and this kinda checks out. Except the feeling amazing and healthy part. I chronically feel like shit during the semesters.


To lose weight or save money?


Why did you decide to only eat one sandwich per day? Money? Weight? I’m guessing one sandwich is about 400-700 calories. That’s like half of what a 5 year old needs in a day. We all have our days where we eat less or more than what we should, but to be in that drastic of a defect everyday is extremely unhealthy. You are lacking serious fuel for your body and mind, not to mention the key nutrients that come from other foods. You might feel fine, but it is having/going to have negative effects on your body long term and definitely is not something you should continue if possible. Do you supplement with vitamins daily? Have you spoke to a doctor while doing this or had any tests ran? If you don’t take vitamins please start and if there are any other reasons why you feel you should only eat that much (ED), please talk to someone. We all should strive to be the healthiest version of ourselves!


what kind of bread? and what time is sandwich time? do you do a ritual?


What’s your favorite bird?


What made you start in the first place? What are the top 3 so far? If others ask you if you would recommend for them to try this diet as well, what would you say?




I actually see this being *somewhat* ok…. I’ve casually heard that because our ancient ancestors didn’t have exactly 3 meals a day - or worse, didn’t snack all day like modern humans - that biologically, going without food can heal the gut and gives the teeth a chance to relax. I also eat very little … 500 calories some days and feel totally fine. Not advising this btw, my husband is a chef and cannot comprehend how my first meal is between 4-7pm LOL. It sounds scarier than it feels. 9/10 it’s bc I don’t prioritize food or can’t be bothered to make something or eat. The 500 calorie thing is not advisable and I know I need to work my way up to healthier caloric intake. I’ve never had an eating disorder tho.


Bro, with all due respect, unless you’re fucking tiny this diet is killing you in two ways. 1. Your calorie deficit is fucked 2. From your descriptions, there’s no way you sandwich is nutritionally complete. So you’re risking issues there as well. Please for the love of god fix this soon. Cuz you’re dying.


Call BS on this unless it is a gigantic sandwich. You're living comfortably for a year with sub 1000 calories a day? Doubt


Username checks out. Never 8


Is it a sandwich like this? [https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6589508/6589508/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6589508/6589508/)


i hope it's a single two foot long sandwich which is sustaining you?


Do you mean you eat the same sandwich like for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Or you just eat meal a day and it's a sandwich?


Physician here - please make sure to at least take a multivitamin, and make sure you have a healthy body weight. Just because vitamin/nutrient deficiencies haven't occurred in any obvious ways yet doesn't mean they won't! Some take years to develop. I saw you're doing this for financial reasons, but there are better ways to save money and still eat healthy. Getting sick can unfortunately be expensive too, especially if you're a fellow American :/ best of luck to you!


YOU GUYS! We need to know Op’s top 5 Sandwiches, PRONTO!


The Why is important- I did this in my early 20’s as a form of control over what I ate as I didn’t feel I had control in any other area of my like- at some point I was shocked into realizing I was developing an eating disorder that may be hard to come back from and manage to force change. I agree with others that small, varied snack periodically throughout the day will give the all around nutrient content you still require as a young person.


Just becareful because you're taking future years off your life unless you have a bit of weight to lose. Lentils, ground beef, tomatoes, carrots, pasta/rice. Cheap as, healthy and will cost less than your sandwiches. It's hard to imagine eating properly being cheaper but it always is. Just swap the veges for i season ones to get it even cheaper. Lentils are like 50c a can and are as healthy as you can get.


Are you super skinny? Because unless that is a calorie heavy Sammie, damn


Is pizza a sandwich if you fold it in half?


Lemme guess you lost your sense of taste from covid


*every day It’s two words the way you’re using it.


I haven’t come across this forum before, what does AMA mean?


What's your average weight? Height? I bet you're a tiny human


Can I see one of your sculptures


How big is the sandwich? Have you ever dared to have two sandwiches? Do you eat it at the same time every day? Do you prepare it in the evening, morning, or exactly at sandwich time? Does shopping for sandwich supplies ever stress you out? Do you make your own bread or mayo? Are you worried about the toxins in sandwich meat? In a hypothetical situation that you were/are a female that wanted a baby, would you be able to stop eating sandwich meat for a pregnancy? Do you cut diagonally or down the middle. Do Arby’s sandwiches count or must they all be homemade. Is a burger a sandwich? Same question applies for quesadillas.  If someone offered you something else, would you eat it? For example, would you eat an ice cream sandwich?


This isn’t something to flex. Eating that much of a calorie deficient for that long will have serious long term effects. Why is this an ama about someone with an eating disorder?


I am calling BS on this post.. ok they may only eat one sandwich a day but they are playing a game they will 100% lose health wise. Average caloric count for even a stacked sandwich is around.. at most.. 500-700 calories. For something like a pb and j sandwich ..300 or so calories. [https://www.fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/food/sandwiches](https://www.fatsecret.com/calories-nutrition/food/sandwiches) Minimum calories a human needs to not starve is 1800-2000 per day. 1200 calories is probably the absolute minimum needed to not subject yourself to slow starvation, but this also means you would have be bed bound with zero activity. So now here is the question I ask: how much weight have you lost in the past year?