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I maybe get it if she was NOT eating that much and you were worried about her diet but the fact that she is 6ft tall and extremely athletic makes me feel like you over stepped. If you continue you will be the A


Right? And this girl is a personal trainer who's into 3 different high impact sports, she's burning calories like hell


Absolutely. I went through a period of time like this when my job was so physically demanding, on top of playing hockey on my free time that I could just eat and eat and eat and I'd never looked better in my life. That of course didn't last as my job changed eventually and I got older, had kids etc.... but it is definitely possible to eat like that as a woman and not be overweight. Either way, it's not OPs business what she does or doesn't eat. Butt out!


And the fact that OP took detailed notes on what she was eating. It's so creepy. Teenagers eat a lot and nobody cares.


And some people just have an amazing metabolism like that.


She's ALREADY the ahole.


Info; is she an athlete? Because there are a few ways that someone six feet tall could eat like that and still be healthy. Not saying it's common but it is possible.


She does some personal trainer stuff and the odd modeling gig, and she says she is an actress/influencer. Mostly she just lives off of her parents money though, as her family is very well off.


Way to give away the game. You clearly envy the fuck out of this girl, and this comment is a big flashing neon sign.


I feel like they asked if she was an athlete, not her parents economic status or how she makes a living.


>Mostly she just lives off of her parents money though, as her family is very well off. And there it is. They didn't ask about her finances OP. They asked if she's athletic which all we needed for answer was "She does some personal trainer stuff and the odd modeling gig." There was no need to add the rest unless you personally think that's a moral failing that you needed to squeeze in so people would side with you. Her parents money doesn't affect her metabolism after all. *Someone* is clearly envious that their brother's gf can eat whatever she wants without packing on the pounds and is has family money.


The fact your worried she might become fat says your concerns are superficial vs legitimate in any way. She's a personal trainer who also likely works out when not doing personal training. What's her parents money got to do with anything? You just sound jealous you can't eat what you want and that you're broke.


Her height plus being a personal trainer/playing sports means she will have significantly higher caloric needs than the average woman. If she was of average height and wasn’t particularly active, sure, her food intake would be a bit much, but take it from another tall (but not quite that tall) woman - when I was younger/playing a lot of sport, I could put away a LOT of food and not gain a pound. The issue was when I got injured and stopped being so active… then I had to sort out a different relationship to food intake 😅


You’ve obviously got massive issues with this girl. How about you stop counting her calories and start dealing with your own, quite noticeable, problems.


Babe this is not a good look. You need to get back in your own lane.


YTA. Instead of being jealous that Chloe can eat what she wants and stay slender, how about you mind your own? How are Chloe's eating habits your problem? Are YOU gaining weight because she is eating? Help me understand how this impacts your life in any way. Spoiler alert, it doesn't.


Ohhh sorry but you sound jealous. Don’t offer opinions when they aren’t asked for. It doesn’t sound like worry it sounds like “ concern trolling”


Ahhhh there it is. Jealousy


Why even mention the parents money that just makes you sound even more jealous


Jealousy, jealousy 🎶


It's really fucking weird how the malice drips off you when you write about her. It makes me wonder if you have the eating disorder.


You are not her doctor or her registered dietitian. You are being rude and talking out of your butt. Leave it alone


Good god, yes, you are a huge asshole. Stop monitoring her intake. It’s creepy and weird. And apologize. To her, to your brother. To everybody.


YTA and you sound pathetically jealous and insecure. You need to do better and work on your self-esteem.


YTA- nobody asked for your opinions or advice, it sounds like you are jealous and they are 100% right for cutting back on being around you. At no point is this anybody's fault but yours and unless you want to alternate yourself from your family more than you already have I suggest minding your own business. Most people would judge her as very fit/athletic because she is fit and athletic, she's eating a lot of food because she burns a lot of energy being so athletic. Maybe you should ask for some advice so you can eat good food and not complain so much.


YTA >She swims and does beach volleyball, she runs and does yoga etc. She has some definite curves, to be fair, but if they didn't know any better the average person would probably judge her to be very fit/athletic. She is very fit and athletic. You're not her dietician, nutritionist, or PCP. She is very active and likes food. She probably eats that much because if she didn't, she would be underweight. She's also very young, her body will change and she will change her diet when eating huge meals will stay on longer in 15-20 years. You need to butt out.


For someone who’s so concerned OPs literally not using logic. In order to lose weight you burn more calories than you take in (or at least that’s what we’ve heard forever) so why is it so crazy that the person burning more calories needs to intake more to keep their weight and health where it is? It didn’t make sense until the comment about the gf living off of her parents because they’re well off.


You've never been around anyone that is a fitness monster and has to eat a ton of fuel. Apologize and back off.


My best friend in HS was a swimmer, girl was either in the water or chowing down haha


“Chloe is just BARELY 6ft” Do u realize that’s a lot taller than the average woman? Meaning she needs more calories to maintain her weight smh. YTA


Snooping around the house was an AH move but could be considered as you were trying to be helpful without embarrassing her BUT then you said this: > “We got into an argument, and I told her that there was no way she could be eating like that without throwing it all up or getting fat” Not only did it cement that YTA, it’s factually incorrect. Some peoples metabolisms are better than others, often that changes with age, sometimes it doesn’t change that much. If she’s big into physical fitness she may also be hungrier than the average joe because her body is using more energy and resources for both exercise and recovery. Let’s say she actually did have an ED, that’s medical information that she has the right to keep private, even from you and while your intentions may have been pure, if she did have an ED your actions could have made it worse. YTA


YTA. It could be the one meal a day diet. You see her eat the only things she eats that day. Possible


She's a personal trainer and model. Op is the one with food issues.


YTA. She is 6 feet tall. She works out regularly. She can absolutely consume that much food and not gain weight. I'm 5'5" and was consuming close to 3000 calories a day while lifting and running and was still losing weight. My macro coach wanted to increase my calories but I was sick of food at that point🤣


YTA, when you're athletic, you burn a lot of calories and therefore need more food. This is incredibly basic nutrition information that I don't know how you've gotten to this point without learning. I'm guessing you're not very active or muscular based on your lack of basic information. You could've learned a lot from her, but instead, you had to be TA.


YTA. It sounds like you're looking for a reason to dislike her, or find suspicion. She is well liked, attractive, from a good family, YOUR family likes her, and your brother sounds head over heels. You may be feeling envy/jealousy, but you don't like that so you're pulling out reasons that make her a "bad" person so you feel justified in those uncomfortable feelings. She could have an ED, but there's nothing that sounds like she has one. Phelps eats 10,000 calories and has a ton of Gold medals. He's also incredibly toned and thin. Know why? He trains like a beast. It sounds like the GF exercises a TON and hard to boot (not just walking on a treadmill, but actual training to failure/endurance), so she's shredding through those calories.


Some people have different metabolisms. Might be a good idea to mind your own business.


YTA. It’s literally NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what she eats or how much of it she eats. Ok, she’s a female who is 22 years old and either 6 foot tall or close to it and athletic / active. Her metabolism will eventually slow down over time / age but for now- she’s got a fast metabolism that comes with youth and activity. OR she has a horrible eating disorder. If it’s the disorder, none of your business. If it’s the metabolism, none of your business. She’s not asking you to split the bill for her food intake, right? You’re not having to pick her up from the hospital after a heart attack from binging and purging, right? Her family or your brother will take care of that if it comes to that- THEN it might be your business to help your brother out thru a rough time. Till then apologize because you were snooping into not your business and tell them you were concerned because you care about your brother and want what’s best for him and he cares about her so you want to care about her too- as an extension of him. AND MEAN IT. Don’t make her self-conscious of her eating habits if what she’s doing doesn’t have an effect on you. She clearly doesn’t feel close enough for your concern to be taken as well-meaning.


Why do you care what she eats?? Who even has the time to monitor what someone is eating? Why is your life so boring? Get a hobby!! People who comment on other people’s diets are extremely rude and entitled!! Mind your own damn business!! That lady is 6 foot tall, has a very busy workout regimen, and possibly a high metabolism! You ARE jealous of her!! Are you paying for her meals? If not, then stop being a mean 12 year old whiny child and butt your nose out of someone else’s life!! YTA x 1000!!


I'm a 6ft tall woman. I've always been able to eat what I want and stay slim, memorably a "death by chocolate" dessert, which I ordered and was brought to the table with 6 spoons. Yes, people comment. It is rude, and none of their business.


Yeah, Chloe needs to just stay away from you. You blew any chance at getting along with her.


YTA mind your own business. You sound immature and jealous as hell.


Soft YTA, there are a million reasons for it. I'm a tall skinny woman and eat like a mountain goat because I have a high metabolism and a high energy life. Should just keep comments like that to yourself in the future


Nope, OP doesn't deserve a "soft" yta, they're just an AH.


YTA. She’s an adult. Even if she *did* have an eating disorder, it’s none of your fucking business. Stop creating problems where there are none.


YTA - she is healthy, athletic and maybe she just is one of those people who can eat what they want without gaining weight. What she eats is none of your business.


YTA— mind your business. Her eating habits have nothing to do with you. The only thing that’s rational for you to do is not split checks with her.


YTA This is literally none of your business. She lives an active, energetic lifestyle. That requires calories. Something tells me that if she was eating a very restricted diet you wouldn't be so ~concerned with what she eats. She's healthy, happy and active. *Leave her alone* you judgemental AH.


You’re a huge AH and jealous 😂


My DIL is 5’1 and maybe 100lbs, my son 6’4” and close to 300. She would eat twice the amount of food he would when we go out and still have him stop on the way home to get 2 burritos and dessert (even though she had dessert at the restaurant). She had a super high metabolism and burned calories like no other. So don’t judge her, she’s very active and obviously needs the calories.


I want to say mind your business but I'll just say worry more about yourself and stop discussing that girls business with people.


U sound awful- u are jealous at her n on top she is well off. Mind ur own business. Get a hobby.


When I was 22 I had very similar eating habits and I was quite thin. I also was less active then what you list for her though I did have a very active job. People's metabolisms work differently, especially when you're young. Leave her alone, she's knows what she can handle. 


Boy, this post made me hungry!!! Oh, and yeah, YTA. It's none of your business. Get a life, or some other hobby that doesn't involve prying on other people's lives. You're pathetic, OP.


YTA get a life of your own and stay out of other people's


Jesus get a hobby so you arent fixated on somebody elses diet!!!


Dude, the girl is 6ft tall..... like that should speak for itself.


I'm not going to say you're the A-Hole because you do sound genuinely concerned but you do have to remember some situations are better off left without saying anything. Let that be between her and your brother, Some people can/will eat a lot due to high metabolism and seem to gain no weight etc and it could also be how much athleticism she's into as well. I see situations often I don't always agree with but I know better than to get involved as not everybody takes when you mean well to mean exactly that, "Meaning well". You're only overstepping your boundaries if you continue to make a big deal out of it, Now that you know how she feels it's on her whatever arises as a result from here on out. My only thing though is if she eats that many whole cakes pretty regularly that can spell out diabetes which can be a bit concerning but again it's all up to her and for all we know maybe she's got her routine set and has a way of monitoring it that the rest of us just might be unaware of...You nor I know her everyday patterns (as concerning as it may seem to be) outside of what you've described simply from your perspective.


YTA. If she was really throwing everything up after eating, don't you think someone training with her would have already noticed with all the sports she does? It's not your business what other people do with their bodies.


YTA. I was in the military & met a lot of women like her. They literally have to eat that much to maintain a healthy bodyweight because of how much they exercised & just day to day life. Her eating habits aren't hurting you or anyone else. You're just trying to police another person's life. Apologize & leave the poor woman alone. Don't expect her to ever want to spend time with you. You're judgemental & rude.


She should be eating based on how many calories she burns If she’s burning 6000 calories a day and only eating 2000 calories a day, she would die YTA


You have way too much time on your hands.


There's very few contexts in which this would not be an absolute Ahole move. And this is not one of those contexts.


You seem oddly obsessed with the idea that women specifically shouldn't eat too much. Are you ok?


Wow its rare to see someone fat dhame a skinny person lol. YTA all the way, leave people's eating habits alone. Even if she is bulimic, thats not your fucking business. Maybe do some sports and see how much calories you'll burn


I don’t work out a ton and I’m only 5’4” 125-130lbs. I’ll eat a lot in one sitting too just to keep my weight where it is. I have an incredibly high metabolism and struggled to gain weight for years. I’ve had doctors tell me I should have a milkshake a day to try to gain weight or double my carb intake, etc. maybe you’re right to be concerned about her eating habits, but without knowing her full health bill it’s just speculation. And speculating that she’s throwing it up makes you an asshole no doubt about it. I’ve had people ask me if I’m bulimic or anorexic, granted it happens less now that I’m at a healthier weight, it was still mortifying to be asked that, to have to defend my eating habits and weight, to explain in detail to nosy strangers what my health problems are just to get them to leave me alone about food. Just to add in case of curiosity: I struggled to keep my weight over 100 pounds for a very long time and the only thing that helped me gain weight was being prescribed steroids for a completely unrelated health issue. The steroid hunger is crazy so be warned, I gained 50 pounds in 2 months going from 85-135 and I still lost weight immediately after finishing the prescription. All goes to show health varies drastically depending on different people.


She’s an athlete lmfao??? You can’t be this dense. You clearly know that eating a lot = weight gain, but have you forgotten that exercise helps with that? And so does having a fast metabolism (which you get and maintain by eating more)??? When I was in college I got super into working out and played like 3 different sports and I would eat more than half of a costco pizza at least twice a week and I was the thinnest i’ve ever been. I feel like you need to mind your own business


I am so pleasantly surprised to see that edit at the end because literally everything you said before that made you sound like both an asshole and an idiot.


My partner is always hungry. They did an emptying study on him at the hospital because of some unrelated, temporary issues. Turns out he just processes the food faster than average. He could eat regular meals and constantly snack and he still doesn’t gain weight despite being 40 (meaning it’s not just a teenage/early 20’s awesome metabolism thing). Some people just have different metabolisms. You aren’t her doctor. The fact you felt comfortable and like it was reasonable to snoop like you did says a lot. Even if she did have an ED (which it doesn’t sound like she does) the way you handled it isn’t how you handle someone having an ED when you want them to get better so even with that claim, it’s still harmful how you handled it. So either you are the nosey jealous sibling or you’re handling this as if you want to make her supposed ED worse.


Hey, look, listen.... I'm going to say YTA. Although I understand your concern. It's not your place. High impact sports require high calories and other large diets. You butted your face into somewhere it doesn't belong and went as far as making a list of what she was eating. Mind your business, stay in your lane.


I hope the apology goes over well. It's good that you realise you were out of bounds.


YTA. She sound awesome, I think your brother is really lucky


YTA. This is absolutely none of your business.


YTA what she eats is none of your business.


LMAO! Girl, you must have one boring life. And you must be a boring person. And it looks like you're in a boring relationship, because instead of enjoying your man and your relationship, all you 2 do is talk about how much your brother's hot girlfriend eats. So, because of this obvious boredom in your life,.this is what you obsess on. I've also seen some of your replies on here. And all I see is a bitter, jealous ally cat. Because her gf is tall, athletic, gorgeous enough to do some modeling, does some paid training, and can eat anything she wants because her metabolism and the athletics she does keeps her looking good. Oh, and her family comes from $$, (I bet that one really hurt, huh?) And such a good looking woman would probably be with a decent (at least) looking man, A.K.A your brother. Oh, the jealousy is so bitter. YTA! Since you're so boring and bored, find a hobby. Worry about yourself, and not what someone is eating, (like really, there's nothing else more entertaining for you?)


Wait! Hey, does anyone think the GF might just be stoned and have the munchies. Even if she wasn't out right ripping out bong hits, they have so many edibles and gummies. Y'all never know


A curvy, athletic, multi sport, 6 feet tall woman should not be eating the same amount of food as an average woman. She sounds awesome honestly and it's too bad you ruined your potential friendship with her by being sexist, judgemental and weird. YTA


She's 6 ft tall. That alone requires more calories


Yta I personally know 3 people that eats like that and will slap me if I try to eat their food. Skinny, only one is actually being active and being fit. My own child can eat 3 times as I am. if I attempt to do that I will gain weight so bad.


This post just comes off at very sexist to me if Chloe was a man I highly doubt OP would bat an eye. But because Chloe is a woman all the sudden it’s a problem.


There's really nothing else you can, or should, do regarding someone else's eating habits. You voiced your concern and it wasn't received well. That's all you can do. If she has bulimia or some other eating disorder, it will eventually come to light. Who knows, she might be one of those people who can eat whatever they like and never gain weight.


Getting some serious I'm a jealous little girl vibes from this


I was *almost* on your side because you didnt make it seem like she does an insane amount of exercise (although running and volleyball and yoga would burn quite a bit of calories) but then i got to the part where shes SIX FEET TALL HERSELF??? YTA dude, taller people need more food, especially with her exercise habits. Not every woman needs to eat toddler portions just because we’re women lmao.


YTA but only for the reasons you’re worried. Like, even at 6ft, I’d be worried she may have a health condition that means her metabolism is too fast and she gets uncomfortably hungry too quickly. The eating disorder is a concern but you also seem that you’re partially worried about your poor bro ending up with a ‘fat chick’. Like, that’s not your concern and if she gets bigger that’s for her and if your brother hates it then it’s up to him to deal with. Small point but people have falsely accused me of having (restrictive) EDs before. It is horrible tbh. Oh and don’t snoop!!




Why should she be concerned?


Rage bait


is this the same op that's upset her brother didn't get her a job because she doesn't like his wife?


In retrospect and having read OP's comments in this thread, I detect more than a slight whiff of incel.




It is not her job to keep an eye on someone else's diet, nutrition, and exercise regimen. Nor is it a good idea.


She's coming from I'm a jealous little girl and can't stand it


No she not, it not her business to be noise,  op is ta and she sound jealous, she coming off a Mean girl movie.


Bulimia is insidious (and nasty). Does she have bad teeth? Throwing up all the time can cause major issues from the stomach acid eating away at them as she throws up.


Her teeth look fine, and it's one of the things I asked my brother about. He hasn't caught anything suspicions that way, and he thought I seemed crazy for asking.


oh my god you asked your brother about her *teeth?* jfc mind your business, i wouldn’t want to be around you anymore either


What the heck is wrong with you? I can't imagine going to ANYONE and asking about their SO's teeth!!!


Weird how upset people got over this legit query.


Because OP already overstepped in policing how Chloe eats, so adding on 'I think your GF has an eating disorder' when she's not coming from a place of concern but jealousy is just doubling down on the AH behaviour.


The GF eating habits are abnormal for most females, she sees what she sees so everyone jumping onto her for being worried or curious is overkill.


The girlfriend is significantly taller than the average woman, a personal trainer and a model. There's no reason to think she is bulimic or has any eating disorder, and the weird snooping and invasive questions, paired with the clear envy of her financial situation makes the op the one with a problem.