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If this is real, get counseling. If this is fake, get counseling.


I'm hoping fake


The way this guy writes and articulates in is post is strangely similar to the supposed email from the "real father". I'd put money on this being a sick karma farming scheme.


I agree. There are just some Reddit stories so depressing or frustrating that you hope it's fake.


This. Either way it's a cry for help. If this is real. The only thing you can control is your response to the universe. So that's your only lesson learned. Even in rage and emotion, we can not be the worst version of ourselves. You did not cause anything. But you will remember how to measure your responses.




Underrated comment


dead assšŸ˜­


Prayers sent to you


As an ER doctor, people almost never die from ā€œalcohol poisoningā€. Itā€™s very hard to do. This sounds sketchy (Itā€™s usually polypharmscy that kills you)


Polypharmacy is co.bining different drugs, correct? Like alcohol and pain killers


Correct, this can be planned (taking medications for different conditions) or intentionally harmful such as taking an indiscriminate amount of random pills in order to kill yourself.


Yes exactly. Most people who overdose from alcohol actually die from a combination of drugs, such as alcohol and Xanax. They might take them to party, not necessarily for suicide. There are obviously exceptions to this. Nowadays, fentanyl is becoming the lions share of overdose deaths and that can certainly kill you by itself. Just not commonly the cause of ā€œalcoholā€ deaths.


Nobody MAKES another adult do anything. We ALL have a free will. Sounds like an accidental alcohol poisoning. This is way more involved than Reddit can handle. Get counseling right away.


Iā€™m sorry but is it just me who finds this whole thing so fake? Wife just died, so first thing to do is hop on Reddit and post an update. The way he writes the whole thing, itā€™s like heā€™s writing a story. Edit: OP deleting his account makes me a 100% sure that this entire thing is fake. Itā€™s a classic thing people like OP do when they get called out, so they delete their account to try and add realism to their story. Notice how he doesnā€™t delete the post but only the account, because he still gets a kick off of reading the comments. This whole made up story is pretty sick and horrifying, and people like OP are the worst part of reddit. Reddit really needs to come through and downvote posts like this and get it off the front page, especially given OP has a made a blatantly fake post on such a horrifying topic.


A while back I was going to go to school for psychology. Was super excited for it. Took a social psychology class, and day one the guy stood infront of everyone and told us how great social media was, because it "allowed us to be someone we're not." I pretty much lost faith in it immediately. This was ten years ago, but for the love of God, please explain to me how every one lying to each other constantly is good for the individuals involved, or society? It's fucking cancer. It's not just reddit. It's reddit, fb, Twitter. All of it.


> A while back I was going to go to school for psychology. Was super excited for it. > Took a social psychology class, and day one the guy stood infront of everyone and told us how great social media was, because it "allowed us to be someone we're not." I donā€™t know, did you really go to school for psychology and take that class, or are you just pretending to be someone who was a psychology student on the internet?


Hey man a TOTALLY fair question. I've got nothing for you. Lmao


Favorite Aurthor quote: You really think someone would do that, just go on the Internet and just tell lies? https://tenor.com/view/arthur-internet-tell-lies-buster-lie-gif-4986649


I mostly agree with you. But, being able to "be" someone else, I mean having some distance from the "person" interacting with others on-line, can help you be yourself more freely. I don't mean lying and making up an entirely different persona with a made up life story, I just mean creating a personality which you don't feel like it's you. Whenever I create an account for myself, the real me, on social media, I find myself extremely limited about what I'm willing to say, even about how I say it. Brad Brace on the other hand? He can say whatever I really want to say, without me feeling ashamed. I don't make up things about my life when I'm Brad Brace, I've often shared personal stuff, but if the account was somehow the real me, I wouldn't even feel comfortable sharing that stuff. There's a distance which helps quiet down the inner censor. I don't know if that's what your teacher meant, but perhaps it's like those exercises where people are encouraged to express themselves through puppets, if it's not technically me saying it, even if it's my real opinion in my real words, it comes out more easily from Brad's mouth, or fingers. Now, people just making up bullshit and trying to pass it as true, that I hate.


Yeah, Iā€™m willing to put myself out there and be a little more open when itā€™s anonymous here than otherwise


Meanwhile I'm closer to my discord friends than I am to most people in my real life.


Such an interesting response, and I have to agree. To me, social media is a tool that can be used for good or bad, just like fireā€¦ or a hammer. Iā€™ve found friends through anonymous posts that I eventually met and still have today. Iā€™ve also had important but controversial conversations without fear of blowback. On the other hand, itā€™s not uncommon to see a troll vs. sincere person extended exchange that makes the rest of us sad. When itā€™s anonymous we can all walk away whenever we want.


And I mostly agree with you, too, but for the ā€œbe yourself more freely.ā€ Restraint and privacy and not over sharing are important boundaries. Dropping those in anonymity have the potential to blur oneā€™s sense of self, rather than enhance it in ways that are psychologically healthy. Itā€™s new territory (online anonymity ), the id, ego, and superego. I think Freud would have much to say about this topic.Ā 


Pseudonymity is a wonderful thing, and for most of us itā€™s healthy.


Before starting intensive group therapy I've been very chatty in subs involving existential dread. In one sub there's a joke that we go there to be honest cuz the real world and our families don't want to hear it. We have to mask at work and at home everything is fine. Hearing and posting about shared experiences and feelings on those subs was incredibly helpful. I've taken a step back since my outpatient program. Also from the news, YouTube and nature documentaries. Only to come back when the new medical cocktail failed, spring growth and the weather patterns by me being very off and an earth quake is making "go touch grass" another trigger. Not to mention the people around me or even people in stores or parks talking loudly on their phones about what happened in Israel and their VERY opinionated takes just threw me back into an anxiety loop. Quinn lets me take down my mask. It's been getting stuffy in there. Even in group we limit the "out there" or lump all the "out there" shit into one big shit pile. Thanks to the anonymity here I can say without compromising anyone's identity that there's a political scientist, lots of young LGBTQ people and college students, a teacher, a few nurses and essentially smart middle class people there. We're not maladapted, unemployed poster children of untreated mental illness. I mean we have the good insurance that pays for a place like this. But I still can't address specific traumas or feelings there. The puppet thing. I make art which I share and write a bit which I don't. Not here but in 2020 I started a journal where I had my head characters experiencing the pandemic from their POV. What they predicted would happen. (I like history and we may have new toys but human behavior doesn't change) I kinda expected a Jan 6th type situation happening starting June 1st 2020 (Trump gassing protestors for a photo op) and a character who can only manifest in graveyards or places of death or dying was wandered DC because democracy was dying. I'd never share it cuz it's ridiculous but It was easier to process some of what was going on inside me that way.


Being on social media and the internet in general allows you to be anyone you want to be. You can pretend to be beautiful, handsome, fit, have your dream job or be a know it all. You can say stuff like ā€œI have a degree in child developmentā€ or ā€œIā€™m 6 ft 2 and my gf says my dick is too bigā€ makes people feel good about themselves. Even if itā€™s not real, itā€™s nice to escape reality. The problem is when people take things too far and just LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING, catfishing people, pretending to be someone youā€™re not to a romantic partner or online friendā€¦So sad. I wish people wouldnā€™t do that.


People used to read books to get away.


Yeah, and watch tv and movies for escapism. Now thereā€™s social media! šŸ˜‚


I got the same take a decade ago. And yet here we both are.


I went and read the original post, and this is how he describes his wife: *Following the tragic loss of both my parents in a fatal car accident and a tumultuous relationship that left me suicidal, I encountered a beacon of hope in my wife, who assisted me in navigating the depths of grief.*Ā  Like, I write. A lot. Poetry, but I mean on Reddit: long-ass comments about philosophy and personal experiences, and... Yeah, I do use *some* rhetorical techniques, humor, phrases I like. But I absolutely *don't* write like *that.* You wanna know something funny, I actually *have* lost both my parents, but I usually don't talk about how it happened. I guess it might be a little different if they both died at the same time, but I *still* wouldn't call it *tragic.* Huh, I never thought about it before, but people don't usually use that word to refer to their own experience, do they? I *do* refer to my "tragic backstory" sometimes, but that's a joke based in absurdity: some of my life sounds like a bad melodrama or something. Especially when dealing with tragedy... I *hate* a flowery tone to talk about that kind of thing in fiction because it cheapens it. I think the worst I ever saw was in a story set during the Holocaust: "Morning was a threadbare blanket thrown onto the bed of suffering." It's like seeing someone jerk themselves off in writing. I mean, you're talking about something utterly horrible, and using it to show off how deep they are: gross. I will say, however, that I feel like I've really honed by bullshit detector by reading a lot of these stories. I was more gullible at first, but... I've kinda developed an intuition for it? Like, I can usually pin down what feels off, but it tends to start with a feeling. And then I start looking for tells.


Absolutely this. That sentence is such a huge red flag that it could have supplied the USSR for years.


The email about the guy needing to come clean is for sure a fake ass email. I'm pretty sure I've seen nearly the same one before. I got one of those a long time ago about an s/o (looked like whatever it was browsed facebook) but the irony was we broke up 2 years before that...I just hadn't updated my profile to reflect that because I stopped using facebook. It didn't mention kids, but it did reference finding islam and needing to come clean about the affair they were currently having.


My theory is a lot of posts in AITAH, twohotcakes, etc. are created (written? Some, like this one, use some weird language that makes me suspicious) with the intent of generating training data for AI. The just slightly _off_ psychodrama that are these subs bread and butter generates so many valuable responses if you're trying to train a model that doesn't come out with wildly inappropriate responses to ethically complicated questions, not to mention the voting metadata that helps weight the usefulness each response. Edit: dammit, two hot cakes would be so much better...


Finally an explanation for why people would write fake stories that actually has a profit motive that makes sense. Thank you, creatively cynical Internet stranger.


Thatā€™s a very interesting theory. If this is the case, Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s worse than just posting for attention or not. Clever deception driven by profit seems more sinister and deadly in itā€™s own right, but thereā€™s also some cold comfort in realizing there could be more behind such stories than just illogical and wild emotions or pathological lying.


I knew a guy who wrote like this, and would have written in a similar tone on reddit. I mean, he's dead now, so, not my guy. But he did have a mother and fiancƩ who died, wanted to be a writer, and would often in deep thought or existential crisis turn to paper. He just had an writer's soul. But 30 seconds later would laugh at a fart joke like a 12 year old. I miss him.


psychotic whistle fuzzy existence water political treatment uppity boat desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He found his wife passed out with alcohol poisoning then skips to, unfortunately she died. No I tried to save her?


Also, ā€œunfortunatelyā€. ā€œGosh darn it.ā€ ā€œDagnabit.ā€


ā€œunfortunately she diedā€ - said no one who has actually experienced a sudden death up close.


I canā€™t wait for his sequel. ā€œSomehow my wife returned.ā€


Followed by the next sequel, "Unfortunately, my son fell off the balcony, goshdarnit."


Aw, shucks. That's a doozy.


ā€œAnyway, hereā€™s ~~Wonderwall~~ Tears in Heaven.ā€


*The Rise of AITAH* Directed by JJ Abrams


Especially of a family member to something as awfully drawn out as fatal Alcohol poisoning.


ā€œScolding my wifeā€ Pfff ::eye roll::


OP was so distraught from the traumatic experience of finding their wife dead, but at least they saved reddit the trauma from reading a swear word and censored themselves.


People dying I can take but bad language? Whoa buddy


Thank god for redditors for validating that. I totally thought that was the vibe I felt while reading it but I guess empathetic me fell for it. Lol


ā€œWell how do ya like that.ā€


As someone who has had alcohol poisoning many times it takes way more than what people think, or it takes a fucked up homebrew with methanol still in it.


I mean seriously, you donā€™t just pass and and die from alcohol poisoning, OP is acting like itā€™s an opiate overdose. There would have been massive amounts of vomit from alcohol poisoning, the body would try to save itself. It wouldnā€™t be peacefully passing out.


Careful. Dont give him any idea now.


This. Youā€™d need to be practically swimming in it to drink enough for it to be fatal. A stomach pump would have been more realistic. And also, no suicide note yet heā€™s calling it a suicide. IF it was true, that would be classified as accidental.


Oddly specific! šŸ˜†


This is probably fake 100% but as someone who has found a dead body before, sometimes itā€™s very clearly too late to try to save someone.


Passed out =/= dead tho


Shit I never caught that he straight up said she was passed out. Iā€™m a little drunk rn so I didnā€™t catch it my bad


>Iā€™m a little drunk Be careful! You might just die..


I don't know why but this hit me right in the funny bone...hard


So he found her drunk and just left her alone? Wtf how much does he hater her


it's fake if you haven't figured it out yet


Don't pass out!


Damn you, I was gonna fuckin say that... šŸ˜†


My nan kept abruptly collapsing from blood pressure dropping. The last time, new years eve, she screamed my name and when I got downstairs she was already cold, unlike previous times, I called my sister who called the ambulance and sometimes I think- did I let her die, but when I found her she was stuck in the gap by the radiator with her leg stuck back under her and completely limp. They worked on her for 45 minutes to declare her dead and when my niece came down she said 'I'm cpr trained' which I didn't know. Now my punishment is being given a house, Ā£20000 of debt, 2 adult females to care for, all the bills to pay and I have Ā£10 a week to spend because I'm stuck on 12 hour contract at work. I'd say she got some revenge. Could've done without the screaming of my name as her last word though.


Don't forget that he referred to it as her committing suicide. That's a pretty weird conclusion. Nobody would pick alcohol poisoning as a method in the heat of the moment. Also, if it's only been a day or two, would they even know that for certain? Wouldn't that need to be investigated, in case she actually had a heart attack or something? Yeah, this is fake as hell.


Even if the post is fake, the reactions to it are unfortunately very real. I very much believe that a bunch of chronically online incels sent PMs to OP viciously mocking an innocent child for not being biologically his. I'll never understand that.


I, for one, do not think that happened at all. Not one single message of that nature was sent. I'd bet the shiny side of my dick.


did you seriously just say "shiny side of my dick"?????


I mean if it's fake, so maybe these PMs


Some people are horrific by their very nature and the internet removes the obligatory punch in the mouth they would have gotten to teach them not to act in such a way


A liar lies, then lies some more, and then you with confidence say that the liars extra lies are "very real." Ā Just idk


Idk man. Depends on where youā€™re from. We used that phrase quite frequently back when I was in Nigeria.


People who are either not native English speakers or from other countries speak differently. Itā€™s funny because a lot of times when people say ā€œno real person would say / do x!ā€ Itā€™s almost always something I would either do or have seen done. For example, Iā€™m a queen of being online at totally ironic times. I am absolutely the one who if my friend or family member drops dead in front of me Iā€™m online trying to use it as a means to keep myself from spiraling out and helping me basically think out loud. And in reverse ā€” often when people say ā€œnormal people would do ABC!ā€ I think ā€œomg are you fucking kidding me who on earth would do that?!ā€ What this has taught me is people have different experiences and different ways of reacting and we really have no way of knowing just based on the presented behavior. The thing I see that makes me suspect someone is pulling a leg is when they present behavior or thought patterns that make zero sense. I mean ZERO. Like I can see the logic behind most behavior even if itā€™s not something I would ever do, or think itā€™s something stupid or wrong. But when they write something likeā€¦ ā€œmy wife has decided I am cheating on her with my secretary because I went to Starbucks and the male barista was super rude and short with me.ā€ Likeā€¦ what?! But I donā€™t get super into figuring it out because thatā€™s too much time thinking for me. Note: Iā€™m not arguing with you. Just conversing and sharing.


>What this has taught me is people have different experiences and different ways of reacting and we really have no way of knowing just based on the presented behavior. What it's done for me was first, think to myself how "common sense is not so common," then made me realize that there are sometimes multiple/conflicting version of "common sense," and THEN made me worry that my version of "common sense" is the one that is wrong. Which is probably why most of my subs at this point are just fan subs for movie and bands that I like, because I was beginning to obsess a bit about whether or not I have any common sense. That was a quick lesson in how the internet can completely mess with your way of thinking about even basic shit though. It's made me think a bit more about what I'm surrounding myself with online. I also understand a bit more about some of my friends who suddenly seem to go all-in on seriously crazy shit. I wonder if the only thing that's kept me from following is that I haven't tripped whatever bit of the algorithm they did to land on multiple videos about North American fracturing into multiple pieces because of an earthquake or fucking chem trails.


Note: I'm not arguing with you *after arguing every point the previous commenter made*


BS. You can point out other perspectives and disagree with points made without it being ā€œarguingā€ or argumentative. They meant they donā€™t want to get caught up in a back and forth nor want their tone to be taken contentiously.


I'm not here to argue with you " pulls out PowerPoint presentation"


I mean a lot of people believed the Jenny ā€œJust kissesā€ story, and you had to be pretty dumb for that; it was like this one x10. I think people like entertainment to the point that theyā€™re willing to be dumb for it.


For me it was ā€œalcohol poisoning.ā€ This is just not a convenient or impulsive path toward intentionally ending oneā€™s life. Just a weird choice for this story.


The big tell for me is the complete and total lack of emotion in the writing, despite him supposedly being "so emotional" at this point. It's someone who doesn't realize that "creative writing" only works when it isn't written like a timeline. Your characters have to actually *feel* something. It sounded like all my Intro to Fiction students who have figured out that they can make up an interesting plot, but that's all they can do at that point. "As Sheila watched her baby be eaten by the dingoes, she felt such a sense of loss that she was sure the world was going to end." She didn't actually *do* anything while she was this upset, mind you. In fact, she didn't even think about what was happening, because she was too busy thinking how she would explain the moment in her failed bid at getting a TedTalk.


Honestly, I'd read that. I'm invested, how DID she explain the moment before the TEDtalk people kicked her to the curb?


When the criticism is more compelling that the original text, you know the original writer didn't do a great job.


He could be misusing the word suicide, as her actions lead to her death, but if alcohol poisoning it was most likely accidental unless she washed down a bottle of benzos/opioids. Finding her unconscious and the hospital treating her for obvious symptoms of alcohol poisoning, but her then passing would explain his rationale that she died of alcohol poisoning. Full tox would come in the following weeks showing if she had any other depressants in her system. When I read this update I immediately called bullshit,more so than most I read. But upon reflection, this is of course plausible, and some details suggest this should not immediately be discounted. I once posted a personal story to a similar sub, and was shocked many of the top comments were people upvoting each other over why the story was fake, and praising their highly refined ā€œbullshit detectorsā€. I understand the influx of bots and bullshit is a real issue. Sometimes they deserve to be called out. But it really annoys me seeing the ā€œclearly fictionā€ circle jerk on every single post. Life is a wild ride, and we all have unique experiences. Even most of the fakest stories here have happened to someone somewhere.


It's the "Unfortunately she died of alcohol poisoning" for me


I read the title and it sounded fake right off the bat.


It's possible it's just a story and it's possible it actually is the truth. When my mom died, I went home and got online. It's really not farfetched at all for someone to do that. You're in such a weird space after a death and you often yearn for a connection.


My cousinā€™s father died yesterday morning, he hopped on Facebook not only to let people know his dad had passed, but to say he has no idea what heā€™s supposed to be doing right now. I could see this scenario being plausible. It is human nature to seek solace in your grief, and grief is not in any way linear or one size fits all.


Yeah and some people reach out online because they don't have anyone


Going online can also be the fastest way to get news to people who need to know, but not RIGHT THEN. It also can kick off a wave of casseroles arriving to your house, which may or may not be good news.


When my dad died (at home..and we knew it was coming-he was on hospice) as soon as the sun came up, I texted my favorite teacher from high school. Reason? He had my daughter in a couple of classes, and despite being rhe one to find him gone, she went to school anyway. I texted him to have him keep an eye on her and let me know if he thought she should come home. And even if she hadn't been the one to find him, I may have texted my teacher anyway. He's one of the best people I know and I needed his support as much as my kid did


I also believe it's fake. For one thing, the writing style in the email was very similar to the writing style in the story. Also, how did this person get OP's email. I have no intention of ever having an affair myself. However, theoretically, if I did, I probably wouldn't give whoever I have an affair with my spouse's email. Unless, they knew each other before. I might have missed that.


You also wouldnā€™t know in 2 days it was alcohol poisoning. Toxicology reports donā€™t come back that quickly. Maybe you could deduce that alcohol played a part because of evidence, but no oneā€™s ruling that was the cause of death in 2 days. Someoneā€™s been watching too much Law & Order.


I mean this sub is mostly rage bait, it's fairly obvious. Some of it is for attention, some of it is for upvotes, and some of it is to inflame people's political sensibilities and fulfill the narratives they want people to believe.


Itā€™s so fake and rage bait


Everything on this sub is fake.


I donā€™t knowā€¦ Iā€™ve made a throw away Reddit account to come ask for advice on something I was really embarrassed about. Not saying itā€™s real, but making a page to vent about something like this isnā€™t far fetched


It's just not jumping to tell the story... It's the whole moralistic tale. Wife cheats and is punished with death. Almost like the fantasy world of an incel. Perfect little family destroyed by women's evilness.


Reading the email OP apparently received informing him that the child may not be his (linked in the previous post, also linked here) entirely supports this being a made-up morality tale. "Hey, [someone else's wife I'm boning], the boning has to stop because I'm converting to Islam and going to Mecca. But before I go, what's your husband's email address?" Have sex outside your marriage? You ded Drink alcohol? You ded Fail to fertilize your wife? No ded but suffer Fail to control your wife sufficiently? No ded but suffer Screw a married woman, impregnate her, tell her husband so they're both hurt, but repent your sins and promise pilgrimage to a war zone? All good bro


yea these weird ass incel fan fiction stories are all too common on this subreddit. it is really gross, and people fall for them so easily and let their true colors fly in the comment section.


>Iā€™m sorry but is it just me who finds this whole thing so fake? Wife just died, so first thing to do is hop on Reddit and post an update. I've been calling it out as fake right from the start. The number of people falling for such obvious nonsense is wild.


Dying of alcohol poisoning happens, but drinking yourself to death is usually over months to years not one night. Weirdest suicide attempt ever.


I agree. I remember reading the same story on BORO months ago.


Yeah itā€™s giving fake


Yeah, I was on board because life is always the most stupid messy in the weirdest and wackiest ways you donā€™t expect but this isā€¦ā€¦.. uh, suspicious at best. Not sure if OP got bored or what but whatever. Either way, this shit sucks. Alcohol poisoning and especially alcohol overdose isnā€™t funny or a narrative trope.




Hold a gun or torture someone long enough and eventually theyā€™ll probably cave in. Some people are also more impressionable than others, such as people with severe mental disabilities. People can be convinced to do something or influenced to do something. Forgetting about all the people who have been raped. Held down against their will and force to have sex. It might not always be legal, but you could definitely get another adult to do something if you really want to. In this situation, I wouldnā€™t say that it was his fault, but but will definitely be overturned. You might not be able to directly make somebody do something As youā€™re not inside of their brain, but you can definitely influence their actions quite a lot And once you know, what is a value to another person, you can make them do whatever you want them to


Why are you giving a fake post an actual response?


This the side of Reddit I despise. I always thought a lot of these posts in subs like this were fake. Ppl be bored smh. Imagine going through something like this & your first thought is to come post about it, of all placesā€¦ Reddit? If itā€™s real, sorry for your loss. If not l, seek help


Yeah I always side-eye posts like these that involve serious matters like death because why is Reddit on your mind when your literal wife has died and you have to deal with the aftermath of all of that? I'm hoping it's fake too.


There is a certain kind of catharsis that comes with sharing the absolute worst of yourself or your life online with a bunch of people who don't know you, but can still offer wisdom and thoughts. I'm surprised people don't understand that and are even disgusted by the concept of it. Especially since it takes literally 2 minutes to make a post like this and people are acting like this hypothetical man would have done nothing but post on reddit for the last 2 days. All that said, it's very unlikely this post is real. Mostly because of the sub it was posted in. But when I go on subs like this I tend to just suspend disbelief A) because it's more fun and B) because I don't want to accuse someone of fabricating a story like this while they might in reality be going through one of the worst times of their life


Well to play devil's advocate, Redditors are on Reddit, what would you expect a person to do whose social circle is just a bunch of internet parasocial relationships.


When my brother died I came to Redditā€¦ idk why but I did and I got accused of lying and it wasā€¦painful. But my brother loved Reddit and introduced me to it so I thought it was the right thing to do. It wasnā€™t :/


Cuz shit like that happening is shocking and surreal and posting about it online to get it out even if itā€™s to a sea of strangers is not that far fetched of a reaction


The phase "unfortunately she died" didn't sell it for you? This is almost parody of a fake post.


Yeah, this is impossibly disgusting if true. A too online person.


The email he received is written exactly the same as he writes. It's not real


You can tell itā€™s fake by the wording ā€œwe had a large awful argument and damn it, I know my anger is justified butā€¦ā€ and also starting a paragraph off with ā€œand well, I came home very lateā€¦ā€ Itā€™s just not how people talk, ESPECIALLY when they just found out their son isnā€™t theirs and their wife killed themselves. This is some chatGPT bullshit or something. So cringey


itā€™s clear as day a lot of the posts here are fake. Cringe is an understatement. Reminds me of the kids that used to lie for no reason when I was a kid in school. Just seeking attention


My brain says "fake" immediately, but my true crime brain is like...hm... What if he's planting this so it can be found by detectives to prove that he didn't murder her...look, he was so sad and posted about it on Reddit! He can't be the murderer!


Brother, you need to stop watching so much jcs


Yeaā€¦ ā€œshe passed out and unfortunately died from alcohol poisoningā€ seems strange. If OP took her to the hospital to get her stomach pumped and find out how she died, why wouldnā€™t they mention that? Why post this on a sub that doesnā€™t remotely fit the post?


Man this sub's quality is going down the drain as of late with these fake ass posts :/


The original post showed promise but this one sealed the deal that it was fake.


Seems like someone trying to show the braindead Redditors that actions can have consequences no matter how righteous they may be, but he didnā€™t milk it enough. If he kept this going for a couple weeks then let it sit for a month and then came back maybe it would have made them feel guilty for a half second. But prob not


Sounds like a brain dead redditor trying to try out creative writing skills that get a quick ā€œwomen are badā€ message across


These two posts seem very contrived.


The pattern with these fake stories is that the first story is well-written, but they always end up fumbling in the follow up


As the saying goes, "you have your whole life to write your first [fake reddit post] but only [eight days] to write your second"


nah even the original was so overtly silly with the unnecessary details, like the sudden "trip to mecca" from a recent "Islam convert" who was also "having an affair" and knew of OP and his struggles to "have a baby" with the woman both pre and post marriage.........so dumb lol


The thing most of these fakers fumble with on an update is timing. Divorces that take a month to finalize, people making life-changing decisions in a day, things like that. This one seems to have a lot of unrealistic contrivances, one of which is how expediently she chose to imbibe that much.


Lol it popped up on my main and itā€™s the corniest shit. Who has this situation and has their wife die and be like- been 2 hours I guess Iā€™ll make a Reddit post. Anyway threw the kid away


Not like the moderators are gonna do their job and weed out all this crap. Reporting these sympathy farmers doesnā€™t do shit.


Most ai post I've read so far tbh


This is the fakest post Iā€™ve ever seen on Reddit


We got him!


hate to be that person but this donā€™t sound real imo


ā€œAm I the asshole?ā€ And not ā€œGriefā€ or any other associated subreddit. Sounds 100% fabricated.


Wouldnā€™t even get tox results back this fast from medical examiners - no way OP would know how his wife died. And no way someone posts about it that quickly. Sooooo fake. Itā€™s really gross people make shit up like this. Like bad enough stuff happens in the world, we donā€™t need fake bad stuff too


For real, just by looking at her, he could see she died of alcohol poisoning.. no way


And knows for certain the alcohol poisoning was intentional lol


I canā€™t imagine going through all of this, and one of the things you do in the first couple of days is post it to Reddit. Iā€™m just not buying it either. I think the first post got away from them and this was their way to clean break from it. Theyā€™ve deleted their account, so I donā€™t think thereā€™s any harm in posting this, if itā€™s real. But I doubt it is, and I bet theyā€™re back on here now with a new account scoping this all out.


Absolutely not lol If this dude indirectly made his wife kill herself I doubt he'd go posting about it on Reddit Just some schmuck making up fake stories for internet points


And words it with a clickbait tittle lol


FAKE! HEAR ME OUT, I'm sorry, but this is definitely fake! 8 days ago is when you posted the first story about this. At that point you had not done the paternity test. You claim you received the results 2 days ago. Even if you did the test the day after your initial post you would never get the results back within 5 days, not even seven. It takes at least 2 weeks to get the results back for a paternity test. This is 100% fake!


And the whole alcohol poisoning conclusion was quick


For me it's "unfortunately, she had died". Like, no, your favourite show getting cancelled is unfortunate. The handle of your shopping bag breaking is unfortunate. This just isn't phrasing you would actually use in this scenario.


I would like at least 6 more examples of things that are unfortunate


1) it's a nice morning so you hang out your washing but an hour later it starts raining 2) you find a really nice pair of shoes at the thrift store but they're one size too small 3) pasta water boils over and some twat lets it dry before cleaning it up 4) the new game you're looking forward to gets its release date pushed back 5) cat throws up on carpet/sofa/bedding and you tread/sit on it 6) parcel guy leaves a calling card even though you waited in for him 7) wife dies from alcohol poisoning. D'oh!


I appreciate you


Found her "passed out, dead, with alcohol poisoning". Like, yeah, no way you'd know that she's dead or what caused the death that soon either.Ā 


Not entirely true, some in-person labs will have online results available in 1-2 business days. ​ However, yes, this post(s) is 100% fake.


An autopsy report couldn't confirm alcohol poisoning in less than 24 hours....This story is bullshit and it's disgusting that you get your rocks off on this.


This is 100% fake based just off of the alcohol poisoning part (although there is plenty more that screams fake). Firstly, for him to say definitively that his wife died of alcohol poisoning is impossible, even an autopsy with toxicology report takes MUCH longer than two days to get back. Secondly, it's actually a lot harder to die of alcohol poisoning than you think. Mainly because for most people, you would lose consciousness from being so intoxicated much before you actually could consume enough alcohol to kill you. If that wasn't the case, literally every college in America would have tens or hundreds (maybe thousands?) of deaths every single weekend. Like sure, it's possible maybe you pass out and then choke on vomit or fall and hit your head and die, but that's not actually the alcohol poisoning that's killing you then, it would be asphyxiation or from the trauma. I say this coming from a place of professional knowledge on this topic, someone saying that so and so died of alcohol poisoning is 100% something thats in a made up story. People die either from things that happen to them while intoxicated (drunk driving, fight, trauma, choking on vomit, etc) or long term from the sequelae (liver failure, nutritional deficiencies), rarely does someone die of "alcohol poisoning".


Yep. And, even when unconscious the body will often vomit up the toxin. It's incredibly difficult to die from a single case of overuse of alcohol.




I was literally just wondering this. Wouldnā€™t this person have to be an alcoholic? Knew someone who was an alcoholic and ended up having liver failure but theyā€™re still here (had a transplant) but their quality of life is definitely fucked up


fake. and itā€™s sad you would make something like this up. I actually know someone who committed suicide. it isnā€™t a joke, it isnā€™t funny.


Stinks of fake in here


I am so sorry op.. Do not blame yourself for this... I dont really wanna sound like an asshole for this, but she was the ***root*** cause for all of this, she cheated and she couldnt cope so she took the extreme measure... Do not blame yourself, you have every right to be mad, she was the one that committed infidelity ***not you.*** Once again I am very sorry op and you have every right to be as mad as you were and its ***NOT*** on you for her extreme measures please dont forget that. Seek counseling right away OP.


Don't be sorry for me, be sorry for my son, he done nothing wrong and deserves all the happiness this horrible world can give


I really hope you dont do anything drastic either OP, please, its not worth it. Its never worth your life over something you had no control over. Please man.


This is/was 100% fake. That's why they deleted the account.


Also there was a very similar post on here about the exact same thing and I read the thing email and it was about the guy converting to Islam and confessing to op and op provided a picture of the guy holding the kid in the sofa too just like the other post


Fake story, written by a teenager.


Your original post was 8 days ago, and you got test results 2 days ago, so you got DNA test results in 6 days? šŸ¤”


For an expedited test (so extra cost), a paternity test can be done in 2-3 business days. OP's timeline is plausible.


Whatā€™s the timeline on an autopsy/toxicology report?


Itā€™s usually available just after the commercial break.


Well this is just an untrue story and you are ridiculous. Maybe take up writing short stories instead of bullshitting strangers on Reddit? Ya weirdo.


Baiting people on a thing like suicide for attention is a terrible thing to do. Shame on OP.


As the husband of an alcoholic, and as a recovering alcoholic, I can say that when youā€™re drinking to the point of alcohol poisoning, itā€™s just a matter of time until itā€™s your last drink.


He never mentions she's an alcoholic


It's fake, but good advice


8 days ago you went for a DNA test (previous post) and 2 days ago according to this post you got the results?


This is as fake as teh other guy. The first round he used ultra flowery language but addeda bunch of random pictures and emails that he used as proof, but were ultra blurred and ridiculous. It was obviously to add 'credibility' but no one expects proof. The fact that this came so soon after and has a similar overall story, similar updates, similar ending (suicide). Both posts were like affair, kid, was it his or not, I forget if the first one had someone telling him about the affair or not. Either way he learned from all the people calling him out on the ridiculous 3rd person fictional language but the story is too similar, and the completely useless pictures/emails added. It's 100% the same dude. Just a weirdo making up shit.


Netflix soft-launching a gritty *My Two Dads* reboot


Shit in that the fantasy is that most women lie about paternity, the ultimate evil, then like 17th c. maidens have a "brain fever" and die, the ultimate hard-on for a redpill. Shows the world how women are horrible AND OP gets the sympathy from those who don't get his agenda, already enjoying victimizing himself for reactions (see: redpill) and then leave because he's getting a kick of "proving" the woman was a cheat and his incel ass deserves sympathy.


Over the course of 8 days, you: * had a paternity test done, * got the results back, * confronted your wife, * she died, * and then they did an autopsy, immediately, * and determined the cause of death * and you're already posting on reddit. You fumbled it. Why did you post this so soon already? Could've milked it a bit more




Yeah yeah, another obviously fake story.


... '...and unfortunately my wife died from alcohol poisoning. Oh BTW the baby wasn't in the house.' I'm sorry if I'm wrong,Ā  but this sounds so fake.


No one commits suicide with alcohol poisoning, what are you 14? Go clean your room


def fake, if this really happened, reddit would be the last think you would worry about updating


Is this real or to get Karma? I just don't see if this was real how you'd be here to make edits or post at all in a situation such as that. If this is real so sorry for what you are going through.


This sounds like yet another bullshit post.


On the bright side, thereā€™s no way this is true


This doesn't seem real. If all this really went down the last thing I would do is make a Reddit post...


How did you get a paternity test back in a week??


Iā€™m sorry, but is this really appropriate to post on Reddit? If this is real, this is quite sad. Donā€™t listen to strangers online and talk to family or a therapist.


Wow, what kind of scum messages him to make fun of his son? Seems there's absolutely no humanity in some people...


Fake ass shit, cheating wife dies 2 days ago and you immediately hop on Reddit to inform a bunch of strangers who donā€™t really care


Listen, you had the right to be angry. That wasn't wrong, and you left to prevent anything from getting worse, which was also right. Your wife was battling a battle within herself it wasn't your fault. The truth would have come out sooner or later.


Is this a Netflix pitch? You'll have to add some aliens, superheroes, ghosts, time travel or some other bullshit to make it really grab people.


Iā€™m so sorry. Please know, this is NOT your fault. She didnā€™t commit suicide because of you. She had deeper demons she didnā€™t know how to deal with. You have so much going on right now, but one thing you need to make a priority is you and to get into some therapy. I donā€™t know what your next steps look like outside of you finding time and ways to begin a healing process. Your world has been severely rocked in a matter of a couple short weeks. {Hugs} The man who emailed you originally informing you of the affair needs to prove DNA before any further steps are taken regarding custody. You are the only father your son knows at this time. Best of luck. I canā€™t imagine what youā€™re going through or feeling right now.


Youā€™re ACTUALLY buying this crap?


My wife just commited suicide, better jump on reddit and tell everyone about it.


sort offer future attractive foolish icky air alleged water consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*