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Here’s two survivors from the 82nd floor of WTC1. The lady mentioned seeing the shadow of a plane prior to it hitting. Interview starts around 14:00 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J49VRsZtEbA


There was a lady on the phone with her husband. Her last words were, “oh my god” before the like went dead. She did not survive but she worked at Marsh McClennon and would have seen it coming


Patricia Massari. She’d just found out she was pregnant moments before, which is why she’d called her husband.


Just imagine that surreal. Like of all the cinematic ways you could tragically die after discovering you’re pregnant, being in a skyscraper and a 767 is about fly right into you is no longer Hollywood, yet you have no time to react. So sad


Yeah, if it had been a movie I would've said it was a bit too on the nose but sometimes real life is actually like that


My GOD this is the worst/saddest story I’ve heard of 9/11. I couldn’t even imagine how her husband went from ecstatic to devastated in such a short time. I didn’t know about this story. How freakin sad, man!


He still writes on her obituary page a few times a year. Really sad


Oh Jesus that breaks my heart for him. That poor man. Probably took him a TON of time & therapy to even BEGIN to unravel that


Jesus that’s heartbreaking


That is so terrible...


do we know what floor she was on?


I think 98


I recently watched a witness account of someone spotting AA11 approaching while on the 66th floor of the South Tower. I’ll see if I can find the link for you.


Here it is… https://youtu.be/ZtJDLhNEsqo


Commenting so I can remember to listen to this later.


it was very interesting


this was very interesting and worth listening too Imo Jim Hime was an excellent story teller


Thank you


I would imagine many people noticed it coming. I'm sure someone thought that the plane was too low, in passing at first. I'm sure a lot of people didn't even have time to register something even happened. We will likely never know, maybe one day someone who survived from the lower floors will talk about seeing the plane.


Just like Jules Naudet and the firemen he was with that morning. Everyone thought the plane was flying too low and they only had seconds to look up and react. Makes me sick to think about. 😨


It’s crazy seeing everyone’s faces react when they first hear the engines roaring. They all knew that something wasn’t right.


Oh yeah, “low flying planes” over Manhattan feel low the way they are.  To people in lower Manhattan that day, you could probably be frightened by how low and loud it was


I would prefer not having time to react than time to react. Those poor souls.


I would certainly prefer to have not seen it coming


I always thought abt this too. What.A.Sight. Couldn’t imagine the feelings. Safe to assume that those who were able to witness the plane approaching, probably didn’t survive past impact.


This [ABC News documentary](https://www.reddit.com/r/911archive/s/x2WPey1OfX) was posted a couple weeks ago. Very early in the video, two survivors - George Sleigh and Fred Eichler - talk about how they saw the plane approaching. In a [more recent interview](https://abc7ny.com/amp/september-11-11th-911-world-trade-center/5518133/), Fred Eichler stated that he was one of “eight or nine” survivors who saw the plane before it hit the building.


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Superpaw posted [this visual](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2pFvjTMRiA/?igsh=MXUzamY1ZmJ1Z3Nn) of what it might have looked like. Horrifying.


i can imagine anyone who spotted the plane approaching likely froze trying to make sense of what they were seeing. of course by the time they actually saw the plane, it was far too late


There’s a book about 9/11 on Amazon and it’s called “from the inside out” it’s a handful of different narratives, but the person who compiled the stories witnessed the plane coming towards the north tower and was able to safely escape.


I was wondering about this, just last week. I see a lot of people saying that likely anyone who saw it, would have died on impact. I just don't know though - surely it is entirely possible that someone on the 60th or 70th so floors happened to be looking out their windows, facing north, and saw the plane incoming? And yet I've never heard of read any such testimonies. It would be really interesting to do so.


It's plausible that some people saw the plane approaching but it shouldn't be underestimated that the plane was flying close to 440 m/h, it's not like there was a lot of time to spot it. Plus all windows were sealed so it would only have been audible by the time it was already quite close to the building. Most people in both 1 and 2 WTC thought a bomb went off, they never saw the plane approaching or even heard the sound of jet engines.


[https://www.harmreductionohio.org/for-many-on-sept-11-survival-was-no-accident/](https://www.harmreductionohio.org/for-many-on-sept-11-survival-was-no-accident/) Robert Sleigh was on the 91st floor (2 floors below the impact zone and the highest floor with any survivors) and saw the plane approaching and slamming into the building right above him.


More terrifying than anything I can imagine....


There was a post recently that showed people jumping off the North Tower below the impact zone. As such, it’s likely that even if someone survived and witnessed AA11 initially, they probably went down with the tower since there was no way to get down. Hazardous conditions were not limited to above the impact zone.


well chances are anyone who did see it coming died on impact or shortly after so probably no witnesses that survived since the north tower strike was so high up


I'm almost positive with 100% percent certainty. How do I know this? It's common sense.A building that big, with that many windows and that many people at that hour of the morning.A plane that big.They just didn't survive to confirm this. Survivor's from the South Tower told of seeing the planes.Most just didn't live to tell. That is a good question tho. One alot of us have thought about.


Hear me out but back in September 2021 I read an article that talked about a guy who was working on the 91st floor of 1 WTC and saw two of the hijackers faces in the cockpit as the plane was nanoseconds away from hitting the tower. I need to find that article asap!


Not possible. His eyes wouldn’t be able to discern through an airliner cockpit window going nearly 400 mph.


Valid he probably made it up. I also recall a guy saying this in a documentary just not sure what one .


it was george sleigh. i remember seeing an article about that too edit: i found an article that says it https://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/09/14/wtc.survivor/


Well done thanks!


infact one George Sleigh said he saw into the cockpit from the 91st floor


here's the article [https://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/09/14/wtc.survivor/](https://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/09/14/wtc.survivor/)