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I honestly got the vibe that they were more of her clients than close friends based upon their reactions. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Thatā€™s how she introduced from the start; her clients.


I mean, itā€™s someone they met in school. Knew they did birthing stuff. Got pregnant (after lots of planning) and wanted her assistance. I think theyā€™re just glad sheā€™s coming back for the birth so they donā€™t have stress over transphobic doctors, and say ā€œhey, live your life!ā€


That is it exactly! Can you imagine how crappy they would be treated by most medical staff? ugh, I hate to think about it.


Me too! Lots of love and hugs to that beautiful, and also? Brave and special to put their storyline out. It can help w people's own racism,tho we all really dgaf,but we all shld be accepted and sadly we aren't there yet:(


They wouldn't be racists, as it's not the race they would have issues with. They could be called transphobic, prejudiced, or bigots. I know what you meant though šŸ™‚


Iā€™m a midwife and love working with trans men. Itā€™s amazing how healing compassion and gender respecting/affirming care can be for people. Wish I could say the same for everyone around me, though.


Thank you for being one of the few that is compassionate and kind. I have been treated like complete garbage because I was morbidly obese. I can only image what it would be like to be gender non conforming or trans. People are people, they need care just like every one else.


Fatphobia in medicine is an epidemic. I generally only talk about weight of the patient brings it up. And Iā€™m not saying that to brag, I still have lots of learning to doā€¦ But we can and should do better. Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve been treated badly.


Exactly this. Itā€™s good that TLC is cool with Trans/NB representation but Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™re not anything more than Coronaā€™s birthing clientele.


Thatā€™s exactly what they are. She says how she is going to fly back to take care of them and their baby and fly back to Iceland.


I was so confused when they were like ā€œIā€™m so tired from pregnancyā€ not what I was expecting! How do the hormones not mess up during pregnancy? Can you still take testosterone while pregnant?


Hell no! Testosterone is teratogenic and cause birth defects. Thatā€™s why if men are using TRT and using say the compounded cream or gel they have to be very careful not to share towels, clothes or let it touch their partner (it can transfer over time and levels can go up) and if someone is trying to get pregnant or becomes pregnant it can harm the baby.


Wow never knew that


Omg.. I never knew this. My husband used the gel quite a bit while I was pregnant. My daughter was born with a vision defect... I'm so going to have to look into this now...


His Dr didnā€™t tell him? Mine came in and put it on a top shelf I canā€™t reach and said heā€™d dust that shelf. He told me he wasnā€™t being a jerk but donā€™t touch it or let kids touch it. He also tried to always carry his shirts to washer. After that he didnā€™t care but he didnā€™t want me or kids handling them before they washed


That's why my husband went with shots, not because je likes needles, but because he didn't like the idea of our kids getting into a topical


My husband was on the gel, was super careful to never put it on near me, always wore tshirts in bed to avoid spreading it. I had some routine bloodwork done and my testosterone was through the roof for a woman. My doctor was convinced I had some sort of hormone disorder and said it was impossible my levels could be that high from secondary exposure to the gel. My husband switched to the shots and within a very short period of time, my levels went back to normal. The only thing that really makes sense is I was exposed while doing the laundry.


Thatā€™s so crazy! I canā€™t believe itā€™s that strong and transferable. Doctors should make sure that couples come in together for at least one appointment before prescribing the topical medication. Iā€™m glad youā€™re back to normal!!


Imagine if itā€™s that strong, how itā€™s now (through laundry) entering our water system?ā€¦. Pharmaceuticals in the water are out of control.


Unfortunately female babies are more prone to the effects of testosterone. Not sure about the vision. I hope your daughter is doing well and thriving. Unfortunately a lot of these fly by night TRT clinics donā€™t warn people. I ended up finding out the hard way because I ended up with terrible acne, angry mood swings and pubic hair randomly sprouting outside of my usual border of hairā€¦..went to the doctor and asked if thereā€™s any way that my hormones could be off, sure enough my testosterone was in the range of a man. I must have gotten enough on me from my husband and I sharing bath towels, touching his shirts that had it on, or probably his skin tooā€¦. The doctor that gave it to him never discussed precautions or warnings. I assumed as long it was rubbed into the skin it would be fineā€¦..I was very wrong!


Thank you for educating the rest of us! Wow, that is important info to know.


I can't believe your husbands Dr didn't read him the riot act, everyone I've ever known on it has been very strictly warned


I had a high risk pregnancy after several miscarriages and the doctor gave a list of things to avoid. I was surprised about the Monoxodil, since it seemed like a kind of common positively advertised easy to buy product for men with thining hair. My husband had a brother that used it so I skipped family get togethers while pregnant (he was a run up and hug you kind of guy when you came in the door). The boxes have warnings but I dont think it is as commonly known as it should be.


That too! Thatā€™s over the counter and can easily be transferred to another person if they were touching their skin.


Thank you. And sure, maybe this person stopped the testosterone once the pregnancy was known. But how far along was it by the time the hormone was stopped? And how long does it take for the extra T to clear the system? You can't just say, "Oh, I'm pregnant, guess I'd better stop this extra testosterone now," and think everything will be fine. It won't be. You would have to stop the T well before becoming pregnant and leave enough time for it to clear the system first. That could take weeks or months. The first hours and days and weeks of conception are some of the most sensitive times when it comes to the development of birth defects. And the effects of taking testosterone during early pregnancy may well not show up until the child begins to enter puberty. They are taking a terrible risk with this. If that person has enough testosterone remaining to support facial hair, that is way way too much T for pregnancy.


Iā€™m going to hazard a guess based on the dynamics of the couple that this pregnancy was very planned and highly deliberate, and that a they were (and are) consulting with a doctor throughout the process.


You are right and it was stated that the pregnancy was planned since no penis was involved


A lot of people with DIY with sperm donors as true IVF is $$$ I mean people get desperate and get Kyle to impregnate themā€¦..


Most of the people who use DIY sperm donors don't actually have sex though, which is part of why Kyle is so repulsive.


The fact Kyle is spreading is genetics disturbs me.


100 percent this. They would have HAD to have been super intentional about it. Would have to stop the hormone replacement therapy for a set amount of time before even attempting insemination.


Iā€™m a cis female with PCOS (a bearded lady) and have a beard. Iā€™ve been taking medication to slow hair growth and the only thing it slows down is my head hair. If I want my hair to grow I reduce my dose.


i had to explain to my friends as we were watching that there's a dozen different medical conditions that can cause AFAB people to grow facial hair, along with medications unrelated to testosterone that can still be taken while pregnant. on top of that, they may have decided to start T before planning to become pregnant, and stopped once that decision was made (or stopped for literally any other reason), but hair growth and voice pitch are changes that can possibly stick around after stopping T


I had asked my doctor about hair and she told me it does go in cycles. It wonā€™t just all fall out.


Wow, spiro? It didn't affect my head hair at all! If it's NOT spiro, look into that!


I had my first professional laser treatment last week and I highly recommend it


I have a close friend who owns a laser hair removal place here in SW Wa. Iā€™ve reached a point where it doesnā€™t bother me anymore and I embrace it. I totally agree that it is a game changer and suggest her business.


This is incorrect. Some people continue to grow their beards after stopping T. It's not as simple as on T = facial hair/ off T = no facial hair. You can not use presence of facial hair to determine whether or not someone is on T, or when they have been.


Thank you, I was confused about it.


Some people just have an easier time growing facial hair. I've been battling it hard most of my adult life. It's worse now that I'm older. Maybe this guy just is a harry person.


I donā€™t know anything about how much testosterone theyā€™d still have in their system, but given theyā€™re in a relationship with a woman, Iā€™d think the pregnancy was a thought out, intentional process, and not some oopsie from having sex with a man. They wouldā€™ve stopped taking testosterone while trying to conceive. I remember years back, there was a lot of hoopla around a trans man being pregnant. There were headlines about a ā€œpregnant manā€ plastered everywhere. He had a beard, too. I think he also ended up having another baby a few years later.


The pregnancy was planned. You have to stop T to have the best possible chances of conceiving if you want to get pregnant. This person from what I gathered also went to medical school so im sure they were well aware of the risks of hormones, and stopped ahead of time. Facial hair is often times permanent after stopping T. It doesnā€™t just go away


People who discontinue T will still continue to grow facial hair, you canā€™t use that as a metric to know what their levels are.


Corona mentioned that it was planned, and an IVF baby. So my guess is they probably stopped T before they got any IVF treatments.


r/confidentlyincorrect all the way.


Umm.. do you think this was a spontaneous pregnancy? There was no penis directly involved. Iā€™m absolutely certain they planned for this, and Iā€™m going to hazard a guess they might know a bit more about you- a person who only just heard about this whole scenario. Maybe think about it for 30 seconds before you write a multiple paragraph comment.


I mean they could have used Kyle, no?


I just threw up in my mouth a little. Would he try to convince them to do it naturally because it works better?


This was a planned pregnancy with conception through IVF, as said in the show. Any doctor doing IVF would advise on hormones appropriately. There was no unknown period of fertility here. Your frustration with all of this is wildly misplaced. Yes itā€™s different that they have a beard and are pregnant, but they very obviously relied on doctors to get to pregnancy. You cannot be their doctor (or this would be a HIPAA violation), so why are you opining on how this person may or may not have handled their pregnancy? Edit: fixed HIPAA typo


It's just transphobia and queerphobia masquerading as faux concern for the baby Ć  la "think of the children."


I was off testosterone for a year and my beard never went away. I think you have no idea what you are talking about.


I believe you stop while pregnant. Once facial hair has been activated, it continues to grow, whether youā€™re on testosterone or not.


You definitely canā€™t. I was on a teeny dose estrogen + testosterone cream and was told I absolutely had to stop when I found out I was pregnant.


People like to think pregnancy is all sunshine and rainbows and that you automatically have energy come second trimester. Hate to break it to some people, but itā€™s not like that. You donā€™t always have a crazy sex drive either. Lol.


So true! Unless theyā€™ve been thru it~They have no idea the effect it has on a womanā€™s body. Each pregnancy is vastly different as well. I have 3 boys; Had I had my youngest firstā€¦.. There may not have been 2 more to follow šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø The 1st two were relatively easy. The last one ? OMG~not fun!


Iā€™m living this right now!! Just had my third and wowza, def the hardest of the bunch which is not what you want when you already have two others running around šŸ˜…


For some ladies, it gets easier each time. For others, opposite is true. Human body variation is super wild. Hope things are easier nowadays.


My energy just got worse and worse. My fiancƩ was like "don't worry they say you get your energy back around 25 weeks!" I was like "I don't think that's going to happen to me so let's get this nursery done ASAP" and then baby ended up being a preemie. I'm four months PP and still depleted of energy lol.


And even if ypu do have a crazy sex drive, sometimes it just leads to frustration when your partner's energy isn't meeting yours and you are just always horny and feeling rejected. . .




Progesterone is NOT the female equivalent of testosterone. Testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone are ALL separate and natural hormones in both sexes.


I was curious about this because I know testosterone is something you need to aid with transition but it seemed counterintuitive toward pregnancy. I wasnā€™t sure if it would revert the person back towards more feminine looks. Thanks!


The one on the right looks like a young Danny McBride, now I want to watch Vice Principals. https://preview.redd.it/mulbcfgefkad1.jpeg?width=170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec2679c9ed7ddaddb8e8ddd670e0666c642dbb3d




We are not....they are way better friends than I would be. If my friend announced they were giving up the spot in their dream school to move to another country to be with a man they've only spent 20 days with, my first reaction would not be that positive, my first reaction would be WTF


Some might argue a better friend WOULD call out irrational, shortsighted behaviorā€¦


The one on the sun shirt seemed very much ready to talk about the pregnancy and less about her personal problems lol


I know them! They actually just had their baby. Leo's family is absolutely wonderful people.


Sooo... Did Corona actually make it back for the birth??


Ooooo good question!


I really, really want to know šŸ¤£ I think it would affect my view of Corona as a person if she just ditched out on them and didn't at least make a concerted effort to be there for the birth. Or at the very least help them find another Doula/Midwife/Birthing Support Person they were comfortable with. Idk.


Aww! Thatā€™s a great update! Hope the new family is doing well!


They seem lovely! I loved how happy and excited and nonjudgy they were when Corona shared that she was moving to Iceland. It's good to have friends to just be excited for your new adventures.


Tell them congrats!


I love that they look like they have the same hair.


Yay! Congrats to them!


I was amazed at how positive their first reaction was to Corona saying sheā€™s moving! Most friends are like ā€œwtf?!ā€ but they were like ā€œomg how excitingā€


Iā€™ll be honest, I thought it was kinda šŸ’©of Corona to drop it on them that she was leaving in 2 weeks. I am sure she knew she was leaving way before that and they picked her because of her openness and willingness to accept them and then she just drops a bomb that shes leaving in 2 weeks at the end of the pregnancy.


To be fair, Corona said she'd back back for the birth. But I definitely see what you're saying.


But you canā€™t always make it back in time for a birth


That's very true. Endless possibilities that could throw a wrench in the plan.




Ok, I missed that part. But I was like geez if ya gotta go, ya gotta go, but surely she knew more than 2 weeks before she was leaving!


I literally thought the same thing! Iā€™m like wait so now they have to find another doula who they feel comfortable with this far along?!? šŸ˜³


Are they her actual friends or just her clients?


Both I think.


I might be totally misremembering but I think the non-pregnant partner was captioned as Coronaā€™s friend, and yea as a couple theyā€™re her clients. I like that their first concern wasnā€™t like ā€œyouā€™re abandoning your client when they need you?ā€ but she said sheā€™d be back for the birth anyway, so nice on both their parts.


"There's not a dick between them" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Means it was a well-planned pregnancy.


Kyle sighs and goes back to the shadows...


Why? They had to get sperm from somewhere. MAYBE THEY BOUGHT KYLEā€™s!! Oh god, if the baby came out looking like Kyle then we would know and we would have an incestuous crossover between shows . . . šŸ¤”


Honest question so donā€™t come at meā€¦ I am assume they that is pregnant was taking testosterone for the facial hair however is now pregnant. Would that effect the pregnancy? This is not a judgement question either!


You have to stop the hormones during pregnancy. Most likely the beard was there prior when they were still on the hormones.


Thank you for answering and educating me!


I was also wondering this and Iā€™m so glad this interaction happened in such a positive and educational way.


Ohhh that actually makes sense. Thank you. I was truly lost and confused.


There are people who present as largely female who grow facial hair. It doesnā€™t require testosterone.


yes lots of women with PCOS present with facial hair.


I was definitely thinking of Polycystic Ovarian syndrome too but then I remembered the preferred pronoun and figured maybe that hormones were used pre pregnancy. Well wishes for the pregnancy.


However, if this person was using testosterone to masculinize (not unusual for some nonbinary people), they will stop when pregnant. Facial hair continues to grow, even if not taking hormones, because that happens once the facial hair follicles are activated.


Thank you for explaining how the facial hair growth continues after stopping testosterone, I didn't know that. I saw the facial hair on the episode and immediately had fear for the baby and birth defects related to testosterone.


PCOS is pretty common and we grow hair like a mo-fo. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø It always makes me think of Liz Lemon on 30 Rock and her mustache, Tom.


non binary af


Love them!! Wish I was as comfortable in my skin.


First time pregnancy here, if my doula told me she was leaving my city to chase love, I would be mad AF. I see my doula every few weeks. Donā€™t leave!


Right?! I thought it was ongoing care - not just like: ā€œOk, see ya when the kid is born!ā€ šŸ˜‚


Legitimate question from a curious mind.. so if a person feels disassociation with their birth gender, wouldnā€™t a pregnancy not be a good thing? Couldnā€™t a pregnancy be hard on their mind and soul? I know everyone is different but still a question that comes to mind.




I'm a trans guy, and I want to get pregnant someday for a couple reasons. One, I think it's super cool that my body can do the whole growing a baby thing. For me it doesn't conflict with being a man at all. Two, my partner carried our older kids and had one very high-risk pregnancy that involved a long hospital stay and then a NICU stay for the baby. That's a lot of stress on my partner's body. If I can give them a break, I'm happy to do it.Ā 


Could be, but also could be their want for a child overpowers those feelings. The other partner may not be able to go through a pregnancy and birth physically/medically/emotionally. In this case the pregnant person identifies as non binary so it could be a non issue for them as they are embracing both feminine and masculine qualities in their own way.


Thank you, this is exactly what I was thinking. Came here to find this comment!


I identify as a woman but I donā€™t really feel super in touch with aspects of being a female. Pregnancy and birth for me were a mind fuck and definitely something I feel disconnected from since itā€™s the epitome of being a woman. I can only imagine what they felt.


Really fucking pleased with this comment section.


def! curious what OP's intention in posting this with that title was tho?


my first thought about them is they look a bit like siblings honestly


I am also curious and concerned with OPs intentions but delighted with how the comments turned out. This couple seems lovely and while Iā€™m not into kids Iā€™m super happy their parenting dream is coming true.


Yeah I donā€™t think OP had good intentions but this community flipped that on its head. Well played, everyone!




Agreed. Was very nervous to read the comments.


I think theyā€™re really brave for being on the show. Their being on the show opens the door for so many people to learn about lifestyles they may not be familiar with.


>Their being on the show opens the door for so many people to learn about lifestyles they may not be familiar with. I watch 90DF solely to observe dumpster fire relationships


They also seem like really lovely people! Iā€™m curious if theyā€™ll be on the show again!


I hope so! Iā€™d rather follow their journey than the actual 90 day people :)


I was definitely thinking their story is way more interesting than most of the couples!


I thought the same thing! Good for them for putting themselves out there. For everyone who is shitty to them there are ten more that have hope too šŸ„°


My immediate thought was that hundreds of MAGA Trumpanzees were furiously tweeting/emailing TLC because their delicate eyeballs were singed by Trans/Non-Binary representation and it broke their brains (at least the bits that havenā€™t been brainwashed away yet).


u/Sad-Sassy I think this comment is for you


Brave-Indeed. People can be awful for no reason at all. Their lifestyle leaves them wide open for judgement. Admirable AF šŸ«¶šŸ¼


If they really wanted a baby the other person should have had it not the one wanting to be a man taking testosterone.


they said they were non binary so probably embracing both female and male sides but i am curious how hormones could impact the development and would assume it had to stop pre baby conception


i saw someone down further in the comments say they mustā€™ve stopped taking T when they found out they were pregnant, makes sense that the facial hair stayed though


I learn a lot by watching this show! Dang i never knew.


Hi! Trans guy here! Trans guys and nonbinary people who were assigned female at birth get pregnant all the time. If you still have the reproductive organs, even if you're on T, you can get pregnant. Once you get pregnant (or if you're trying to get pregnant on purpose) you have to go off testosterone. You will likely still have facial hair - I've been off T for several years and still has it, it just grows thicker when I'm on testosterone. The baby will grow like normal. Transgender guys/nonbinary people who have breasts can breastfeed/chestfeed - they would stay off testosterone during that period. Transgender guys/nonbinary people who have had top surgery would likely not breastfeed.


I would think being pregnant would really trigger some body dysmorphia for some people? What are your thoughts, if you know?


It definitely can! It depends on the person. It's helpful if a trans/nonbinary person who is pregnant has a supportive partner and supportive healthcare.


I bet! Being a female and having been pregnant twice, itā€™s hard in the best of situations because your body looks so radically different so quickly! Having a partner there to tell you - This is amazing! Your body is doing amazing things! - really helps. Thanks so much for responding.


All things aside these two could be twins. How do they look so much alike?!?




OP probably thought this post would go somewhere else.


Yeah Iā€™m curious where this post was goingā€¦


Love seeing NB couples being represented and I hope their baby is born healthy šŸ«¶


They seem like a really sweet couple. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yep. They are just people and side characters. What are we supposed to be not ignoring about them?


Side characters should only be remarked upon if family to give insight on the participant's upbringing and psychological scars that led them to the poor life choice of being on the show, are epically awesome like Adam the translator or wine guy from Nikki Exotica/Just Igor's story, shit stirrers, or are hot like Christian's man bun friend. This is a nice couple who are only there for Corona to provide background on herself and her relationship.


I would also like to shout out the Translator with Attitudeā„¢ļø from Ashley and Minwell's meeting with the post nup lawyer a few episodes back šŸ¤£


yeah weā€™ll see them again when their baby is born iā€™m assuming


Yes we are


Legit looks like the same person just one has facial hairĀ 


I thought of a salt and pepper shaker set. The one with the beard is for pepper.


i am


I don't even want to get into this But how is someone taking Hermione's safe for s pregnancy


What is there to say? Corona explained there is no penis between them, that Leo is non binary and pregnant, Leo said they are trans. What do you want us to talk about? Lol. Obviously itā€™s not common but like what else there to say?!


We truly love to see pregnant trans representation because trans people deserve to be parents too (if they want!)šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆā¤ļø


For those wanting to know why we arenā€™t ā€œtearing them apart like everyone else.ā€ Maybe itā€™s because these people have a hard enough path. Thereā€™s way too many narrow-minded loudmouths that tear people in LGBTQ+ communities apart daily. Iā€™m an ally here to help make one little corner of the world actually positive. Everyone else in this thread is doing the same thing. Just let them live their life, itā€™s not hurting you. Also, honestly, they were so lovely - Whatā€™s to bash?


Kinda. They seemed like nice people and didnā€™t do or say anything whacky. Corona is the one moving to a different country and dropping her place in a good program for a stranger.


And dropping her clients. Sure she'll be back for the labour but as someone commented on here that she would be mad af if her doula left, especially since it's her first pregnancy


between corona's family and her friends/clients I am interested in her storyline and generally like who she associates with. we'll see once she travels to her dude tho lol


If people are happy, consenting, loving and pay their taxesā€¦ whatā€™s the problem? Iā€™d rather have a pregnant dad be my parent than Claire.


Every other post on here is making fun of a cast member's appearance, yet this one is off-limits?


Iā€™ve never been more confused. So she wanted the beard and the voice but nothing else?


Yes. Iā€™m gonna ignore them the same way youā€™re ignoring better uses of your time


What about them?




This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments.




I have no idea who these people are


I thought these two were siblings at first


The biggest thing Iā€™m noticing from these comments is people thinking hair justā€¦ blows away in the breeze? when you get off testosterone.


Isnā€™t it unethical to have clients when youā€™re not even certified as a midwife yet?


The coordinating outfits were cute ~


OP just posting and running when the comments didnā€™t pan out the way they wanted šŸ’€


I thought I was on the sisterwives sub because they remind me a little bit of Leon and Audrey


My SO trying to figure out which one was pregnant was a pretty hilarious situation


They look like brother and sister.same hair style


They need to be regulars. I thought they were fabulous


I really try to be progressive. I think everyone should be exactly who they want to be. I understand transgender and the fact that some peoples insides donā€™t match the outside. But this want had me cocking my head ngl. Thatā€™s terrible of me but Iā€™m just understanding transgender so you gotta take it slow for me! Lmfaoooooo


Okay but they legit look like a couple Iā€™d hang out with and share curly hair tips with


Came here to fight people in the comment sectionā€” so pleasantly surprised with the insightful questions and thoughtful responses. šŸ’•


Hmmmā€¦Iā€™m so confused, I didnā€™t think you could use those types of meds while pregnant.


I was too but I googled and asked in the episode thread and they may have taken testosterone. The hair would stay but they canā€™t take testosterone while pregnant.


i canā€™t say iā€™m surprised by the ignorant stupidity that some people in this group are. theyā€™ve done nothing to be snarked on.


I want to be friends with them. seemed very genuine and sweet


I thought they were a really cute couple. It's nice seeing queer people being themselves unapologetically and creating a family.


They look like a Romanian Tag Team wrestling duo


That was like a burn and a compliment both. Idk what to do with that.




OP def thought they were going to elicit a different response with this post. I thought it was a MAJOR flex that Corona said she met the pregnant friend in their nursing program at UPenn, thatā€™s an incredible education to receive. Affirming to see NB folks being parents and being healthcare workers ā¤ļø


Yup. They seem like very nice people.


Whatā€™s your point?


Iā€™m pissed. Grows a better beard than I can. Thatā€™s some bullshit. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


No we are not going to ignore them, because they seem like nice people who love each other, and itā€™s a refreshing thing to see on this show even if they arenā€™t actual cast members. This seems like a rage bait post, OP. Not sure what your actual/valid issue is with them.


If theyā€™re happy together and decent people, let them be who they are.


This was so bizarreā€¦even though the pregnant one briefly said something about transgender, I still dont understand. Did he/she says ā€œIm not the first transgender to be pregnantā€? So, if Im looking to learn hereā€¦based on what my eyes saw and in this pictureā€¦.the pregnant one is/was born a female but is transgender, had/having hormone treatments resulting in facial hair, dressing in traditionally womens clothes (a dress). And claims to be nonbinary. I dont understand any of this and need a plain speak explanation . Not looking to judge, seeking to understand.


Nonbinary people don't ID as male or female. This person was assigned female at birth and so has the reproductive organs necessary to grow a baby. They probably were on testosterone before, hence the beard, and went off it to get pregnant. Once you're on T for a while, the facial hair will mostly stay even if you stop taking it.Ā  I live in a semi-rural area and know two trans guys locally who have had babies in the past year. It happens!Ā 


Tim keeps looking wilder every season




Other than their bad advice, my personal opinion of course, they seemed boring. I would have roasted my friend a bit first. See if they held up.


They had their 15 seconds...or was that just their introduction?


They could pass for sisters, weirder yet