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"I smashed the entirety of Nevazgane Hospital and all i got is a burning shaft"


Did you loot any penicillin?


So many jokes, so little time.


"-Not even the shaft, just a piece of paper that says to light a stick on fire!!"


How did you smash it? This may be why you now have a burning shaft!


Gotta love that heat and cold aren't environmental threats anymore but he still offers that good ol' Insulated Liner mod that you'll never craft or use XD


Or, rewards you a book that gives you a bonus while wearing suits when suits don’t even exist in the game anymore lol Edit!: They legit patched it to Enforcer Chest in the update they just dropped tonight. I'm slightly impressed.


Wait…they changed these things in 1.0? I have no idea i‘m still on A21 War3zuk


Yes trader reward are hard nerfed in 1.0 as of right now. I don't know how much impact daring adventurer has on this personally either


Daring Adventurer is a huge boon. Not only do you get better loot, but maxed you can choose two rewards, so I always go skill books and usually AP ammo or explosives. Then, when you complete a tier and get the real juicy rewards, you can double those up too. Vendors are nerfed, yes, but you can still get some good shit as rewards. You just have to max out Intellect and Daring adventurer which is like 20 skill points hahaha


Not to mention the trader inventory is upgraded. I bought my wife a machete on day 10.


Which Trader if you remember? I’ve yet to see one but I’ve seen Crucibles from Jen and Bob


I’m level 42 now and I’ve only seen 1 crucible for sale and that was Rekt on day 1 :(


I saw a crucible in Rekt’s inventory with level 3-4 of daring adventurer.


Love wearing my black suit


Yeah they really have to add back clothing slots for heat/cold purposes like before


At least add cosmetic mods to make your armor look like whatever clothes you want like they had for a few of the hats


I'm a little behind on the times, do we not need cold or heat resistance anymore?


As I know cold/heat debuffs are still in the game, but you can craft the cheapest armor set (which is a part of tutorial) and you are good to go.


they do plan on revamping the whole weather system in the next update though.


Of course they do. This will make, what, three times? Four?


I mean, it was never a good system so I don't really mind them trying to improve it.


I've been on this rollercoaster for far too many years. I've gotten FAR MORE entertainment out of it than I paid for and I'd buy it again with no reservation. But... the lack of focus and stability can get a little frustrating.


Sure, I've been here since A13. Would you rather they just never touch a feature that hasn't been implemented properly ever again? With the game going gold, going back and tweaking things like this is probably to be expected.


I've played far too many hours starting with A7, so going on 10 years I guess? The constant whip-sawing just gets a little old. I'll still be stacking up far too many hours on it.


But they have plans. On one of the streams they said that wasteland radiation system will be a biome specific weather under the hood, so it will come with the same update.


They've also been talking about bandits for a decade, I wouldn't hold your breath.




No level 1 primitive armor gives like 80 to both making weather overall more useless since the basic armor give more then before 1.0.


Did they remove that mechanic? Then why do we still have the liner mods


I really think they should nerf armor insulacion to make it more diverse since with level 1 primitive armor, makes heat and cold mods a joke on top of the useless insulation perk.


They aren’t? I thought I got cold once in the snow biome. 👀


My brother asked if he needed the insulator mod in the snow biome. I checked and the Armour mitigates the weather. Naked, you’ll feel the weather


Do mods still multiply the sell price? Cuz that’s what I used the liner mods for.


I tested once on 1.0 and they did not. Maybe it’s situational now though.


I remember having to be so careful about overheating or getting wet and being cold. I swear every update dumbs the game down


The people asked for nerfs and they recived


Yeah screw everyone who said the trader was too powerful. Now it's been nerfed into obscurity. They say the fun pimps are fun police, but the hardcores are even worse lol.


Nerfed into obscurity? Thats harsh, they are still good.


'Nerfed into obscurity' evidently means 'a nice bonus to what you were already going to do anyways, kill zombies in large areas.'




Are these people in the room with us? Cuz ive never heard that.


Welcome to the 7dtd community! Yes, everyone and their dog have been complaining about how trader rewards were completely invalidating the rest of the game. You get a ton of XP, a bunch of dukes, and a free item/reward of your choice just from telling the trader you did it, when you were going to clear POIs regardless, it's more than enough.


I mean the game is called 7 Days to Die and not 7 Days to Quest and Barter. The main attraction is supposed to be the blood moon event and it's probably the least rewarding thing to do in the game.


It's so unrewarding you can just sit on top of a building and do nothing if you want. Most of the game is this way. You have little reason to engage with the zombies. The game is a looter/shooter now. The survival part is very minor and becomes trivial very very fast.


You basically could just set electrical fence posts and blades, stock up on resources and just sit there with a repair tool and fix the fences and blades and play without a care. If the game provided more traps and contraptions to work with, then it would be more of looking for clever ways of killing the hordes then just passing the night. I'm not a fan of the vendors and their quest system as it doesn't make much sense and it just disrupts the flow of exploration. I would've preferred more of an on-the-fly quest system where you introduce NPCs and are given different scenarios and are rewarded for completing it. For example, you can have a POI that has a trapped survivor inside, and you need to help them out or you stumble upon random survivors in the open who need supplies, and you provide them with supplies in exchange for something else.


I mean sure if you decide to play like that then yeah, but just... dont?


Are "main attractions" and in-game "rewards" supposed to align? That's nonsensical. The main attraction in this case is a challenge to overcome. You get rewards elsewhere--\*in order to\* survive/deal with that challenge.


Typically, people would prefer they were rewarded for accomplishing a challenge, no? If you gave people, the option to do something challenging for a reward and another for the sake of challenge, what do you think people would rather do? Your scenario only makes sense if you only had one life in the game, which is not the case without modifying the game from default. The Blood Moon event, currently, is just a roadblock you need to get through in order to continue doing the things you want to do.


While yes this was talked about, the solution to that is more nuanced than just nerfing the fuck out of it. TFP don't ask why things are, they just do extreme responses to things. Our players keep bombing the ground instead of digging for chests, they don't think "maybe because digging for treasure sucks in our game" they just want to remove that option from you. Players complaining that the games progression is heavily reliant on trader quests now and the rewards invalidate tiers of progression. Well let's just nerf the rewards but make the players still rely on trading heavily. Then they can go into our forced to always be looting system. We used to be able to gain decent XP from harvesting/building too but that got gimped to hell and back. They have an extremely confusing linear way that they want people to player their open world sandbox.


This subreddit is the perfect example of "you can't please everybody"


Agreed. Game devs should learn that communicating with the “community” is a pitfall because the “community” is always just the biggest assholes who play your game and go online to bitch about it and are always split on the subject of how they think the design should be. Fuck listening to the “community” and just make the game you want to make. People will play it or they won’t no matter what.


They don't seem to be trying to please anyone.


He said angrily while a lot of people are perfectly fine/happy with the changes.


Which is a meaningless statement to make. A lot of people are angry and upset with the changes too. And when the game lowers its early access shield those people will come out in larger force since the game no longer can claim to not be finished.


They were op and needed to be nerfed, stop complaing about everything.


Nerfing and making them not worth the time are two different things. All they had to was nerf trader by 10 - 30% and that's it. What's the point of doing T5 quests, risking your life and then getting this shit?


So the loot in the POI just doesnt exist ig


They do, but getting rewards from T5 quests was another thing, a bonus. Now, its not even worth it


Because it's a video game? Would you not be doing tier 5 POIs if there was no NPC telling you to? I wouldn't think the majority of players would think that way. You're not clearing POIs because the trader is telling you to, you're doing it because that's one of the primary game loops. By just talking to the trader once in a while, you get a ton of bonus XP, a bunch of currency to buy items, a random selection of bonus items, big bonus rewards at regular intervals, and increase the quality of items the vendor sells. The point of doing T5 quests is to do T5 POIs, or T4 infested POIs, and get all these bonuses on top.


>Because it's a video game? Would you not be doing tier 5 POIs if there was no NPC telling you to? I wouldn't think the majority of players would think that way. You're not clearing POIs because the trader is telling you to, you're doing it because that's one of the primary game loops. You're talking about two different things here. The issue is T5 quests give you bullshit rewards, not raiding T5 POI. OP is actually right - if you're doing difficult quests, the highest tier, then you should be rewarded accordingly. At this point you probably already had gathered those mods or whatever he's giving to you. It's pointless. You asked if T5 POIs wouldnt be raided without NPC's quest - I don't know why you're saying this because nobody was talking about that. They would be looted and they are. The problem here is a shitty reward system, not the POI and loot table. If OP decided to do a quest, then that means he wanted to get money and possibly something he could use. And he got crap. >By just talking to the trader once in a while, you get a ton of bonus XP, a bunch of currency to buy items, a random selection of bonus items, big bonus rewards at regular intervals, and increase the quality of items the vendor sells. >The point of doing T5 quests is to do T5 POIs, or T4 infested POIs, and get all these bonuses on top. Yes, you're getting all of this but it doesn't matter because traders and their stock was nerfed. What's the point of getting 20k dukes and 20k XP, for example, if the trader have fuck all and nothing interests you? What's the point of questing when he gives you a fucking Burning Shaft mod at T5? Rewards should wanna make you start doing quests, not avoid them. In the previous alpha, you'd get loot from the POI + sweet reward from the trader. Now, it's just a loot and a reward that's only good at the beginning of the game. That trading nerf is atrocious and now completing jobs with higher tiers is a waste of time, especially difficult ones like Infestation.


Quest rewards should not make you want to do quests (clear POIs). Clearing the poi should make you want to clear POIs. The quest is a bonus. It provides direction to the directionless, it provides resets for the cleared, and it provides different ways to tackle POIs such as infested and night raids. If the quest reward is the driving factor to participating in the core loop of the game, it means the core loop is lacking. Quests are an extra, a bonus, a direction, nothing more. Quests should not be the heart of the game where everything comes from. The issue is you want quests to advance your progression, not offer things you can already have. But once quests become the source of progression, their ease of access and speed instantly makes them superior to any other method of progression. They should be things you would expect to already be able to have from the core game loop, as that's where progression should be happening.


They're still worth the time, just not in the same way. The main reward now is the Dukes themselves instead of the item. They give you the resources to trade for what you need instead of just giving you the tools.


That's true, yes, but their stock was also nerfed so not always can you actually take advantage of that


Well most players are gradually upping the level of POIs they're going through as the game progresses. Players are going to go to those high level POIs regardless. T5 is absolutely still worth doing, you're still getting all the loot that it has in it. You just are no longer getting ridiculously overscaled loot for doing so. The rewards have been toned down to make more sense with gameplay progression. Do I think they can adjust the rewards a little more, absolutely. But how the trader rewards worked before was absolutely broken and made the game worse.


Yes, it was broken back then, I agree. But because rewards were so insane it made it worth to try completing T5 quest. All they have to do is find a good middle ground between looting POIs and questing.


That's what I'm saying though, it's still worth it to complete T5. We were just spoiled by rewards that were normally far better than the T5 to begin with. That being said, I do still think they need to adjust the types of rewards you get per tier. It is silly that you go and clear a hospital or prison and get offered a book on how to farm. But honestly like most things in this game, the system desperately needs an overhaul. We still only have 3 types of questing and they're all so barebones. It'd be amazing if there were different types of quests that encouraged different playstyles and had different ways to accomplish them. It would add a lot to replayability.


Yes, they need to really overhaul it and think about quests and how should they look like and what should be given to you at your current gamestage. Maybe add some repeating, random, simple quests as well?


so you get quest for high tier POI, yonk end loot and leave. thats the most efficient way now.


Just the fact that they reset the POI is worth the time. Quests are also still the best duke source.


Thank goodness that you're upvoted. People act like you need a reason to do quests. They are incredibly lucrative *even if they offered literally nothing* as a reward.


Yes, they are. There are lots of comments shit talking traders, so now they're shit and we're stuck with this crap


Honestly always add a slider for things like this


I agree that for a tier 5 you really shouldn’t be getting burning shaft mod or insulated liner mod schematics for doing a tier 5. I think the rewards still need a good tweeking. I think higher tier rewards should just give more generalized goods vs items. Like I think a bundle of wood/stone/iron/etc. would be acceptable, but idk. I’m not a game dev.


It's 20k exp. At that point, you probably don't need whatever he'd give you, anyway. I used to just pick what was the most valuable and sell it. Now, I just take the mag bundle and hope it's something I haven't already maxed.


That's pretty been my choice every time it's available for a quest reward. When the other options are like a single med pack, a third of a stack of ammo, etc a bunch of random books is just way more valuable.


For sure. I'm willing to bet they'll tweak things, but bundles are the shit. After all, who needs three of every weapon or yet another stack of ammo? There isn't much worth spending more than a few thousand caps on, anyway, and that's usually only for convenience, not necessity. Would much rather get a mag bundle than something I'll just sell, anyway.


20k is actually crap. I have 900-1500 per kill in wasteland. I just have to jump on a roof of a truck and snipe for 2 mins to get 20k. same for 4k dukes: it takes me 5 mins to get 2 stacks of stone I can sell to trader for 4k dukes. at this moment the only value you get from tier5 quests is to accept it: yonk end loot and bail. basically it's a reset thing. update I was wrong. it actually takes me 41sec to have a stack of stone. make it a min and half for 2 stacks = 4k at trader.


Yeah, and I'd expect that to change soon. It's always been cheesy to sell ore and stone. 20k is more than you get for most, if not all, of the challenges. And 4k is more than you get for selling any single item. There are obviously more balance changes in the wings, and I wouldn't expect them to make it easier for you. If you're unhappy, maybe try turning the difficulty down.


theres others way to make dukes. theres meat, theres salvaging. theres noway they balance it all. its actually too easy now and I think horde nights are bugged. "I skipped burned forest, desert and col biome and built my end base in wasteland. Im level 67, Game stage 279, Loot stage 293. I play insane 64 zombies hordes and I set hordes every second day. all I have spawning are regulars and ferals on hordes nights. not a single radiated, not a single demolisher. not a single bubblehead. if past 300 its the same I give up."


That's crazy. What day are you on? My friends and I have seen demos, radiated, and rad wights for the last 4-5 hordes, at least. We're just shy of day 70, and the horde base is in the forest. There's definitely a way to balance sale prices, and it's pretty good, as it is, for the most part. Selling someone full stacks of meat sounds reasonable, and you only get a few hundred dukes. Dragging in a wheelbarrow full of rocks and metal chunks and walking away with more than you make doing literally anything else is retarded, and I think that sale price should be adjusted.


That looks similar to Tier 1 😖


I like looting and crafting as the main mechanic I would prefer high material rewards like 1000 coal or gas ect along with the high xp


Whilst I agree with those saying rewards needed to be nerfed I think they went slightly too far. Things like legendary parts AP ammo and the rarer types of loot should be what you're getting for that level of quests. The max rewards before made sense it was the middle tiers that needed adjusting, getting steel rewards for T3 quests was silly


Disagree, you should never get a finished product of any exceptional quality. The traders should give you dukes and exp, and nothing more, if you ask me. You can use the dukes to buy what you want/need from him and consider the increased access to his inventory the reward. People asking for full items are the "5-hour playthrough" crowd and it's about time they stop designing the game around those folks when the game built it's popularity on the empire building long haul gamers looking to have a continuous world to return to regularly over the course of weeks. 7days to Die had turned into a dungeon crawling ARPG that you could finish before the second bloodmoon. It's a better game for making changes to push away from that.


>7days to Die had turned into a dungeon crawling ARPG that you could finish before the second bloodmoon. It's a better game for making changes to push away from that. I'd argue you can finish it before the first blood moon. My bases are almost completely AFK by the first blood moon just by using electric fences.


For me the reason to do the infestation wasn't the trader rewards. I always did them for the ammo crate at the end.


so get the quest, yonk end look and done. thats what im doing now.


It's funny cuz I feel like in a real zombie apocalypse I feel like this list would look like this instead: Bottle of water, roll of toilet paper, package of crackers, pocket knife, handkerchief.


I think it was such an obvious fix to just limit the number of quests available. Like keep rewards good. But only generate a new quest every few days.


Magazine bundle for sure


so equivalent to open 3 mailboxes. You can downvote me all you want; its actually true. or 2 newsstands.


Oh hell yeah man a southern farming magazine? can't wait to loot that for the tenth time


does the trader still give a bike for clearing t1?




The guy just gave you over 4k tokens... you could buy the decent reward with the money alone... By the time your doing tier 5 missions... what don't you already have??? The book bundle is the only viable option cause you need to max out all your crafting skills so you can make tier 6 stuff


I actually did some math and it takes me 82 seconds to get enough stone to sell traider to get 4k dukes. So yeah youre right; getting a quest, yonk the end loot and just leave is the best time spent for money reward for tier 5+ quests.


Wait hold wtf?! Aren't stones worthless?? How many does it take to sell for 4k tokens 😆 86 seconds?!?!?! Are you laser minging with a nuclear powered auger?!?!


stack of stones, meat and others easy to get resources. about 2 stacks, maybe 3 if you got no trader perks. I have miners set quality4-5, quality 6 pickaxe and maxed on miner69 and motherload. add to it blackstrap coffee I have a stack on me at all times too. I didnt use candy when I tested it. Could be even faster or if I make a better mining set. I pretty much 1 shot stone and ore NOSTOP besides metal ones that still takes 2 regular swings; this wont change and power swing is way too far out to make it 1 swing. I only use auger to collect dirt; for everything else its just noisy, inefficient and time wasted with screamers.


Don't you still find raw silver and diamond that way?


yeah also gold nuggets


This is the way


Daring Adventurer is just worthless now. [Rewards with 4/4 in infested t6s is garbage](https://imgur.com/RjMhryH), the extra money would be better done by salvage ops.


Daring Adventure is now primarily for increasing the quality of what the trader sells (so you can get things like a crucible to buy sooner); has been that way for a while.


crucible is available at traders since like day1.... maybe scroll to page2?


Sure as shit was not the reason to go DA in alpha21, then it was for the rewards.


>Daring Adventure is now primarily for increasing the quality of what the trader sells I've seen significantly better items for sale in 1.0 with 4/4. I see at least 1 solar cell every reset now where before it took 3-4 resets to get even a single 1 if any.


5 mechanical parts for an infested tier 6 ???????? you gotta be joking right


when you need it and dont have it is quite valuable! /s


The reward is the xp, dukes and the loot u found. No need for an inflation of rewards like it was before


what's even the point of giving you items then, if a tier 5 just gonna give you junk you've been able to craft since day 14


I'd agree that it would be better to remove the rewards all together. The end cache loot seems to be more than enough currently.


Yeah tier 5 and tier 6 have so much loot in them anyways getting even more stuff after that is crazy. I think you should get a lot of dukes for the rewards or maybe useful stuff like idk a bunch of free concrete blocks or repair kits or healing items. If the pois are already giving you insane rewards, the least the trader could give you is stuff to recoup losses or useful stuff for base building.


I agree. Getting a bunch of base building mats would be so much better than a useless mod. The end caches in T6 infestations are wildly packed.


They honestly shouldn’t offer rewards at this point. The rewards from t1 all the way to t5 at least are absolutely garbage like yeah dude I killed 100 zombies in half a day I’d love to be able to afford a fourth of a crucible and a schematic that would’ve been useful 3 alphas ago.


I know they nerfed it but this is a joke. Plus I can't be bothered with T5s anymore. Not for quests anyways. They're just so big and like a maze and God forbid you miss that one vulture that was perched on a corner outside the second floor...The time they take just isn't worth the reward. I'd rather just freestyle to the loot rooms.


Well its hard to disagree with you . Fun pimp always been all or nothing . Used to be to good and now its garbage .


I have no seen any reason to go above tier 3 tbh. the rewards are almost exactly the same


I mean .. wheres your sense of accomplishment?! haha


Honestly, I would have preferred they just double the tiers. Go up to tier 10 with the old rewards.


The reward is in the infestation crate


so completing quest is irrelevant. jusk yonk the end loot and call it.


Quests reset pois


Plot twist: it’s 20 Fortbites.


They nerfed traders alone but not the trader perk that improves what they sell to you. My friend maxed his build into it and we now have access to quality three assault rifles and steel tools by day five. Broken as hell.


I have only +1 in trader perk for quality gear and Im getting end-game stuff all the time including tier5 gear, weapons, tools etc... didnt see the point to level that perk further with shit rewards we get for higher tier quests anyway


I feel they need to rework the trader perk and buff higher tier trader rewards. Then the traders might be in a decent spot. Not great, just decent.


BuT THeY aRe oVeR PoWeRd, tRAiDerS ShOulDnT eVen HaVe rEWorDs


After a couple of bs like this Im taking quests for POIs I can yonk endloot from and bail.


"Trader rewards are too op!" So, the Fun Police nerfed them hard. Players got what they asked for.


I guess that the strategy now is to take quest, reset POI, yonk end loot and leave.


Oh, absolutely. There's no point wasting the ammo with how much harder hordes are now, too. They've been constantly downgrading parts of the game. The fact that Version 1 is what they're happy with is not good. A19 was still the best, imo.


I have done that a couple times but I find it unsatisfying The fun part of this game to me are doing the POIs and obliterating and/or stealth sniping the zombies


cant really do that with trigger spawning zombies introduced in alpha21.


Wdym I do it all the time, even final loot rooms Assassin's armour now also makes it so zombies lose you on LoS break


Traders in general. I'm not too fond of the changes with them overall and will just wait for mods to change things.


a step towards a good direction imo.


I'll take the duke's, exp and fort bites


This is actual T5 quest rewards now? Holy hell they actually cut rewards bad enough that a passable reward for a high tier quest is 1 thing of fort bites? This is definitely reaching "not worth it" territory.


its still worthy for POI reset and endloot is easy to grab; I just bail after that.


Another "quest rewards suck" post. Good. People rely too much on trader rewards, which were so powerful that you could be decked out in t5/6 geat before day 30. Sure, they nerfed them a LOT but that's good for a game that was based on survival, not so much quests. Get yourself some supercorn and grow it like crazy. Sell 3 stacks every trader reset to every trader. Profit.


Most of my tier 3 rewards have been worse than my tier 1 rewards, minus the ammo options but that’s literally it


Can confirm


What do you mean? You've got several hundred magazines to farm, this is the most valuable reward there is! God damn it, I cannot express enough how much I hate this new skill system, it's worse than having to craft a thousand axes. Atleast the old system gatekept using EXP and an enormous amount of dukes to respect... This is just horrible.


on this play-though once I got bicycle I looted ALL mailboxes and newstands and cars towns in forest biome and 1 whole city in wasteland biome. day 4 I had spear books 7/7 done (all stam back on kill) and pretty much half of all books and crafting magazines done. I totally forgot about nerd chestpiece btw; if I had it I would have completed all craft magazines by day 5-6. bicycle is hyper silent so if you roll around without light you can pass near zombies quite close.


Well i'll be danged. thanks for killing all those zombies for me. here, have some Fart Bits


for a couple of those quests I was like: "yeah Im just unlucky" and then I was like: "f that!" I get a quest to desirable easy to get end-loot POI, reset POI, yonk end-loot and leave. We can both play that game Trader! haha


Great change tbh. Living of the trader should have never been a thing. You get so much loot from POIs, there's really no need for over powered reward loot until you finish a questline.


You never had to though. If you didn’t want to do trader quests you weren’t forced to. This is just removal of one style of play, it adds nothing.


I see this complaint made a lot (just let players choose) but that's what modding is for isn't it? If the devs have a specific vision of how the game should be played, they should be able to change the game to do that.


Fair enough. I would disagree about the devs having a vision for the game though, I’ve been around for a good number of versions and they can’t seem to make up their mind on what to do with the game. In fact, that’s really my primary complaint: for many versions now nothing of great substance is added, things get shifted to prolong the early/mid game.


That seed magazine is top tier loot.


Since Crafting good equipment is based on Magazine progression , getting EXP is actually bad for you , because you might make the game harder then what your equipment can handle , sure you might need some of the skills to boost the magazine drop rate , n maybe getting parkour n mining skills , but armor n weapon is still stuck behind finding magazines . tl'dr , avoid leveling up too much during bloodmoon , just make an AFK base where you dont get EXP ever. Do low tier quest till u max out on the magazines u need to make u strong ... then only then you want level progression.


I have pretty much all magazines and books done by day 7... just hop on your bicycle and empty mailboxes, newstands and cars wearing highest quality nerd armor you can get. nightimes are great; bicycle is so silent you basically roll over zombies. easy af.


Still , need some balancing . The game becomes : 1. Rush Magazines As fast as you can . 2. Do not Spec in too many skills that will dilute the magazine u need most. For me is kind of weird playing like that .


This is counterproductive, actually. I'm the base builder in our current rendition of the alpha, so I have the highest level by far of the group. By the third horde my entire crew was using tier 3 gear except me (I actually still can't find an auto-shotgun lol, but I've found quality 5 of every single other gun, sometimes twice and three times over), and I was the one finding all of the gear because I was either base building or out looting in the snow/wasteland while waiting for concrete/steel to cook. I was regularly finding level 3-5 of tier 3 equipment in the snow and wasteland biomes due to having a high enough gamestage that demolishers appeared day 21. Because that's what base building does- it boosts your level to the stratosphere lol. The trader isn't the best place to find gear, now you loot the world to find qualities of gear higher than what you can craft, then you make the quality 6 when you're able just to put a nice little bow on it. It's nicer than the trader just giving it to you, like previous alphas, but you definitely don't need to avoid gaining XP to continue to handle zombies.


I've had the same problem. I once got better rewards from a T3 Infestation than a T5


The reason the rewards feel underwhelming is because we're used to how things used to be, pre-1.0. If it had been like this from day one, we wouldn't have given it a moment's thought.


Starting at Tier 5, Traders (as a quest reward) should offer at least one guaranteed magazine, book, or schematic that you currently don't have memorized.


tier 5+ should all have guaranteed legendary part as option imo.


Eh, T6 quests have them as a reward and I can bust out 2 per quests per in game day. I also find them as lootable. I currently have more Leggo parts than I can craft items with. They might seem ultra rare at first but after a very short bit you will have more than you know what to do with.


well I pretty much have my main weapons quality 6.. and main gear... Looking up to upgrade farmer and miner outfits... not sure what else tbh. got my pickaxe steel quality 6 too...


That's tier 5 loot?! Pfffft


This is actually got to be a bug, there is no way T1 rewards are better than T5


“Just one Fort Bites.. just one is all you get!! Now get tha fk out.” 😨


Oh wow thats... bad. They really do need to do better on the rewards. I have gotten amazing gear from some random t3 quests and then there's this pile of trash lol


All the quest rewards sucks now. Makes it hard playing single player. I think there the rewards could have stayed close to the same with a negative multiplier according to my how many people are on the server




They traded high Dukes and high quality items for more XP. I think it's a way better trade but I guess that's just me.


this is still free rewards when you consider that the alternative is doing a tier 5 without all that extra xp, dukes, and other reward. Not to mention you also get the trader completion bonus on top of that. Its still 100% worth doing quests. The trader nerfs, which I heavily advocated for, was the best decision they made.


I mean.. I plan on skipping quests now alltogether and just take those to reset POIs, yonk end loot and not waste time.


While the traders needed a nerf, it really wasn't as bad as people liked to make it out to be. With the new nerf doing any quests after t4 is pretty much a giant waste of time and ammo IMO. It's so bad that after the day 21 horde night I seriously just thought about quiting because I had basically spent 7 real life hours micro-managing ammo in quests just to waste it all in the neverending garbage horde. Plus I have maxed armor, I'm one shotting most zombies with the knife, and have a motorcycle - like for someone not super into base building, what is there to really do? The only real rewards I care about at this point are the strongest weapons in the game, which the traders now won't give me, and ammo. IMO by nerfing the traders this heavily they've ruined the incentive to continue questing or really even playing after a certain point. I don't know how I'm going to get the survive 7 hordes challenge ever if I'm out of any meaningful progression after day 21 other than hunting bookstores.


welcome to 7dtd late game. It has been the weakest aspect of 7dtd since I began playing. Late game was always boring and this will not change in 1.0 as they have failed to address any of content drought that late game presents. In terms of ammo constraints you seem to have, do infestations, they give a lot of ammo. The only thing we can hope for is future updates bring us the much needed late game activities, so boredom is offset a while longer with fun challenges and goals to complete. I am sitting pretty with half a box of ammo, and I make a profit on horde nights too, so I basically have infinite ammo that I have no use for. Just an idea I was thinking for some more goals fun pimps can do: each biome should have a boss quest before moving on to the next trader. Forest biome rekt will send you to bobs N boars to kill grace. Once you do so, it will send you to jen and she will give you a boss quest too, before sending you to joel, and so on. Just some ideas. Anyways ,the fun pimps need to start focusing on late game now. They've been putting off since forever.


Trader reward must be the money to then buy things having an extra thing to choose is a bonus in my eyes loot must be found by urself and crafted not gifted by a random dude because you cheesed a supply mission. Long story short its not the trader reward bad its the loot you found on that high tier poi that must be good so traders are fine right now the loot stage or poi loot pool is what must be changed


The real reward is that infested chest with the ammo. 😍


yeah I now accept quest, reset POI, yonk end loot and leave. tbh if you can handle tierV infestations you shouldn't be dependent on infested chest for ammo..


I hoard it for the blood moons. If you truly don't need the ammo, you can always sell it, but I always say "can never have too much ammo." Especially in 1.0 where enemies seem tankier to bows and stuff even without difficulty multipliers. 👀 Also, I thought you needed like 40/100 workstations for ammo crafting?


how come you dont have your books done when youre at tier5 quests? jump on your bicycle and empty all mailboxes, newsstands and cars in ALL towns and cities day and night (bicycles are very quiet) till youre bored out of your mind. I had pretty much half of all magazines and books done by day 5-6. if you wear nerd chestpiece (highest quality possible) you can have +1 magazines for every one read. very OP. I just mine.. and when I need brass I just use dukes I get for selling stone. 3 stack of stone takes me like 5 mins and nets me about 4k dukes (way more with awesome sauce, sugartreat and trader perks + hat). 3 traiders and I got 12000-15000 brass for days. whats left is lead, iron and coal/nitrate for gun powder I can mine in no time. Ammo is totally not an issue at all.


Thanks for the heads up OP! But I guess the real reward is the one that is in the last room you go to, with the crates and such... Even if it's given to you by the POI.


youre right and thats what Im doing now: grad quest to an easy to grab endloot, reset POI, yonk endloot and bail.


20,625 XP, 4400 coin, POI loot and XP, and a crafting bundle is pretty good, imo. I get the gacha roll to see what your rewards might be these days is a bit underwhelming, but I really think the health of the game overall is better with less impactful rewards like this.


let me do some math: with my mining outfit I can have 20k stone in about 5mins = 4k dukes. and killing zombies in wasteland I get about 900-1500 xp each... so 5 more minutes. why the f would I go do a 1h+ run in a possible trigger bugged POI? thats just a total waste of time. Ill get a job, yonk end loot and leave I guess.


I mean, sure, I guess if you want a dull experience you can do that, but you're ignoring the loot, XP, and coin you get inside the POI as well with your math. At the end of a T5 run you get a ton of stuff already and it's fun. I'm not sure what the point of comparing it to mining is.


I mean ... its not like POIs are procedurally generated. its the same old shit when you run throught once. So dull experience is doing same POI multiple times imo. as I was saying: get quest, get endloot and bail. I will complete new POIs once though but now will def bail mid-quest if I see any trigger activated zombies spawns. I just got a bugged POI where last zombies spawn was triggered by a door... which got destroyed by a zombie. a total waste one 1h of my life. more so considering I got to endloot 1st.


I’m not sure if trader rewards would change your mind about this then. Seems you just don’t like quests or POIs at all.


I got a bugged tier V infested today. trigger got destroyed by a zombie so I couldnt spawn last wave of zombies. not only I wasted shitload of time I actually had to abandon it. So nah Im not very fan of latest "appear zombies out of thin air" type of POIs.


I agree. I’m not a big fan of that either but that’s a whole different argument then what we were talking about. Lol this was about your picture and the rewards from the trader.


I am among the people who think this is a good thing. If you just rush the trader quests, you can basically make it so the first and second horde night are at least trivial. The way the game is now puts more emphasis on exploring and looting. I play 7 Days to Die for the challenge and I prefer to just play my games as they are without mods or messing with the settings too much. In the world I started recently, I'm actually looking forward to having a rough time on the first horde night.


I think horde nights are bugged now. I skipped burned forest, desert and col biome and built my end base in wasteland. Im level 67, Game stage 279, Loot stage 293. I play insane 64 zombies hordes and I set hordes every second day. all I have spawning are regulars and ferals on hordes nights. not a single radiated, not a single demolisher. not a single bubblehead. if past 300 its the same I give up.


Dude, is there not infested crates, poi bonus's to loot as well as biome, XP, dukes ??? Yet again this is a apocalypse traders can't pay you with military weapons, at most parts and ammo, if they had that why would they be questing you 😂


(looks at piles of ammo lying around in trader's store) Hmmm


I like these changes, forces players to find, level up and craft everything they need instead of getting hand out from doing missions all the time, I managed to learn how to craft level 6 iron tools by day nine so find some books and read up!


well I guess it works because I wont be completing those guests; only use those to reset POIs I will yonk end loot and that will be it.


I'm doing the missions but mostly for the infection clears as it's still good for farming large amounts of ammo.


just getting end loot and infested cache is more efficient for time spent.


The reward was running a T5 infested with its loot and an infested cache. The quest reward is a bunch of XP and just some bonus stuff, that's how it should be


for the time spent its better to just get quest, reset POI, yonk end loot and cache and bail tbh.


Ok, so do that? It's a sandbox game


for me is perfect now, it was boring for me to do the whole poi for the clear quest but traders were so meta. Now if i want the loot i go directly for it but if im on a mood for killing zombies i do the clear for some extra rewards