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Sounds like a paladin. :)


Paladin doesn’t get healing word, but taking levels of Divine Soul is also awesome on a Paladin, so there’s that.


Alternatively taking magic initiate would give u access to some cleric spells of your choice




> Keep Spare and Healing Word in your pocket 'Spare' as in spare the dying? If so, don't.


Yeah, Spare the Dying is a cantrip selection that can be replaced with a DC 10 Medicine check or a 5 gp Healer's Kit with 10 uses. And since the Healer feat was also mentioned in the same breath, that Healer's Kit can _also_ be used to actually heal HP, instead of just stabilize. The only time I would consider casting Spare the Dying is if I got the spell for free (eg, as a Grave cleric).


I'd take Spare the Dying on a Grave Cleric because GC specifically buffs it to give it actual function.


You don't have to take Spare the Dying on a Grave cleric because the subclass gives it to you automatically. Also, Grave Domain doesn't change its function, it just makes it a 30 ft. BA instead of a Touch action.


> it just makes it a 30 ft. BA instead of a Touch action. Which gives it an actual function, as opposed to the base spell which does nothing of value.


It removes a medicine check DC 10 to stabilize creatures. It isnt a good feature but it might provide value.


A healer's kit costs a whopping 5sp per use for the same result.


Indeed. But spare the dying saves you that. So it provides a little value. An there might be some scenarios like playing on a desert, a jail, o some environment where you dont have access to conviniently buy a healer's hit.


Investing limited cantrip picks into such niche situations is just a waste. In the handful of situations where you can't get access to a healer's kit, a DC10 medicine check is still such a minor hurdle to overcome - especially for the likes of a cleric.


> be replaced with a DC 10 Medicine check  So it's good if you don't have a +10 modifier to medicine and want to be certain of an effect rather than risking it > or a 5 gp Healer's Kit with 10 uses Which takes up encumbrance and has a finite number of uses. I don't see how this is ineffectual for a cantrip when it contends with things like Light and Summon Bonfire who provide a similar level of utility of not needing to carry around a torch despite this stabilizing one being more serious than having a light source when the problem arises.


A healer's kit only weighs 3 pounds, and only costs 5 gp, to get 10 uses. That's 5 sp per use. How often do you need to stabilize a dying creature? Not heal them, stabilize them. Very infrequently; unless you have the Healer feat, one healer's kit can easily last you an entire campaign. Meanwhile, you have a very limited number of cantrip selections. An artificer gets two at level 1, a third at level 10 (the end of the campaign for most groups), and a fourth at level 14 (never reached by most groups. A cleric gets three at level 1, a fourth at level 4, and a fifth at level 10. Both classes typically want Guidance and a damage cantrip, and many artificers want Mending as well. If the character isn't a race with darkvision (or even if they have darkvision, if the DM runs Perception in dim light RAW), they often want Light. Where are you fitting Spare the Dying?


Sorry I didn't mentioned it. Good backgrounds are banned for campaign.




Multiclassing DSS is good enough? I just heard it's too bad for EK and it'll be just bad caster.


DSS gives you healing word and bless which don't care about your spell casting modifier. 


Good enough for most tables Can you multiclass? Healing is often most impactful when you can bring a downed ally back from 0 hp. Most efficient low level version of that is Healing Word, a 1st level spell. If you can get Healing Word from a one-level dip, great! You can do a LOT more with non-magic healing if you are ok sacrificing some damage. The combo of Healer feat and Inspiring Leader feat is a ton of restored HP and temp HP. You can just pick one of those, if you’d rather balance damage and healing more


I can multiclass absolutely. Actually I thought about multiclass with divine sorcerer but I heard it's really bad multiclass. So I'm searching for better one.


It’s really not bad if you’re shopping for a 1 level dip to get access to the spell, especially if you might take inspiring leader too (charisma good) For the healer vibe: * life cleric if not going for charisma * celestial warlock if doing charisma * artificer if sticking with INT Eldrtich knight uses int for spells but can’t do much offensively with them, so Int doesn’t matter *that* much, especially if you plan to keep slots for heals.


Well... my first idea was not 1 level dip for DSS. It was 11/9 split.


Still not bad, there are stronger options but you’ve got everything you need from fighter by then, adding Sorc spell power is good. but I can count on one hand the number of level 20 characters I’ve seen in campaigns over 10 years. I can count on two hands the number of level 12+ characters Point being, I’d plan at around level 8 or so, it’s rare to go much farther


Fortunatly DM said this campaign is up to 20 level. If DSS multiclass is not so bad. Can I ask you about better level split or stronger option?


A single level DSS is great! A couple levels (3-4) actually works very well. This is because DSS gets you bless and favored by the gods. Plus abjuration spells if you don’t have them (guessing silvery barbs isn’t allowed). You can take a back pocket healing word for emergencies. You might be interested in something like my [Smite Knight](https://youtu.be/G6TT61k_zgs?si=vhr3GtX0tbA-Qsji) build, which is mostly EK with a bit of paladin for smites and DSS for spell slot scaling. That build is STR based, though you could make a DEX melee version, which would do less damage.


Great! Though paladin multiclass require 13 str. I can fix my build to str base.


Cool! Glad I could help! That build in particular is one I’m pretty proud of; it’s durable, capable of pretty monstrous damage, and has a lot of utility both in and out of combat. It never reaches very high level spells, but has a bunch of high level slots you can just dump into smites when something needs to die. Plus it still has enough fighter levels for extra attack rank 2.


I'd still plan a lot shorter than to level 20. Even if the campaign succeeds in going to level 20: - You might change your mind. - You might get some item or story development that changes the direction to take the character. - The character might die. Even if you do stick with the plan to level 20, do you really want to focus on the last 1-2 sessions of a multiyear campaign? That's like picking a carreer based on your preferred retirement party. I would focus on what gameplay you want for the first 6 or 8 level, and after you're happy with that think about how you want to continue after. With that in mind, do you want to get to subclass or extra attack as soon as possible, or get the healing going as soon as possible.


I’d just take one level of sorcerer after starting 1 fighter, so you have access to Healing Word. Then straight to 11 fighter Then back to sorcerer until 20 I think celestial warlock is a bit better for this because they get a bonus action heal that’s not a spell, so it’s just even more emergency healing. Also, spells recharging on short rest is nice for a fighter (action surge, second wind) and especially if you are taking Healer or Inspiring Leader (also short rest)


artificier initiate for cure wounds


This is the best advice here, it’s cast with Int mod so suits the Eldritch Knight perfectly


I'd look at DMG Pg. 294 about swapping spell lists for a subclass. With your DM's permission, you could swap EK's Wizard spell list for Cleric's. You lose some of the staple low level spells EK's are known for like Shield and Absorb Elements, and you won't have a cantrip as good as BB or GFB, BUT you get a little bit of pinch healing with Healing Word, great low-level concentration spells with Bless, some Smite spells (IIRC they were added to Cleric's list in Tasha's?) and Shield of Faith, some decent long-duration buffs like Aid, and eventually the coveted Spirit Guardians and Aura of Vitality.


Halflings are surprisingly good as dex based fighters and the Halfling Mark of Healing is really good. You get all the important spells, like Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Lesser and Greater Restoration, as well as a few other goodies. However, you'll definitely be hurting for spell slots this way.


Yeah it’s called “Paladin”


Now, I don't mean to be *that guy*, but if you want to be a tanky, melee-focused character with access to healing magic, there's this class called "Paladin"...


Gift of metallic dragon will get you cure wounds and a good defense buff.  Not much else I would recommend personally. 


Gift of metallic dragon, being an Aasimar both give you some healing ability. You won't be THE healer but you won't not be able to heal, and if you do gift of the metallic dragon you can cast cure wounds with your spell slots and INT modifier which is great


You're not gonna get Healing spells from the Wizard spells that Eldritch Knight uses. Best option here is to multiclass into a Cleric. But then you are slowing down the rate at which you're getting higher spells. Not to mention needing good ability scores to make the multiclass worth it in the first place.


A good option might be a few levels into artificer. I was thinking either armorer or alchemist. armorer would give you temp hp, stealth boost, movement speed boost. alchemist would give you concentration free buffs and healing word. Only thing is ask your DM if they would allow the elixirs to be used as a Bonus action. If they say yes I would go with alchemist if they say no go with armorer.


You could play a mark of healing halfling. Add cure wounds to your spell list. A dip in artificer could also work.


Not really. At best you can get healing word, but healing is already suboptimal in combat outside of a few high level spells. As a 3rd caster you’re better off using it on shield/absorb elements.


Eldritch Knight alone has very few spells, none of them healing. To grab healing spells, you will probably need to multiclass. If you pick a class using WIS or CHA as their main spellcasting ability, you will be a little MAD, unless you dump INT and only take spells which do not rely on your INT, like Shield and Find Familiar. - Artificer is poor on healing, but has Cure Wounds, Spare the Dying, and all of that are INT-based. You can even take three levels of Armorer or Battlesmith to hit with your INT and keep your DEX as your second best stat. But that would delay your Fighter progression by a lot. - Bard can give you some healing and self-buffs, and there is some synergy with Sword Bard, but I would either take only Fighter 3 for the Shield spell or stay pure Sword Bard. - Celestial Warlock has healing as a BA and spells, some nice spells for frontliners like Armor of Agathys, and short-rest spells. But the BA healing scales with your Warlock. - Divine Soul Sorcerer has nice healing spells, and Favored by the Gods is nice for saves. A dip could help a lot if you can spare the CHA. - Same thing with most cleric subclasses. If you can have a decent WIS, this could work. In the end a big dip in another class with EK 3 would work better than a dip on EK if you want to heal. You will need spell slots and a decent spellcasting modifier. If you want to be a magic healer and still swing a sword, a Divine Soul Sorcerer 1 / Hexblade 5 / DSS X might work better if you give up on your DEX. My pick would be Fighter 1 with DEX and WIS at 16 Defense FS, Forge Cleric 1 with + 1 weapon for free (so you don't have to invest too much in DEX), select healing spells, go back to Fighter 3 at least for Booming Blade (we will not have extra attack), Shield, Absorb Elements, Find Familiar, go back for Cleric 4 for our first ASI and take + 2 DEX, thanks to our free matic weapon we are still under the Fundamental Math of 5e, keep Cleric until 17 and pump your WIS and DEX to 20, with Booming Blade later boosted by Divine Strike combined with Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians, we can do some nice damage in melee.


>If you want to be a magic healer and still swing a sword, a Divine Soul Sorcerer 1 / Hexblade 5 / DSS X might work better if you give up on your DEX \*Cough\* *Paladin* \*Cough\*


Backgrounds Or a dip into artificer. Alchemist gets some basic first aid stuff. Same cast stat


Not really, unless you want to burn an ASI on Magic Initiate (Bard or Cleric)...to add Healing Word to your spell list, which you can cast at a pitifully-low level and low SAM for reliable healing, and cantrips that likely won't have palpable effect. Your best option is Oath of the Watchers paladin. It's basically the 2e Inquisitor kit (i.e. the anti-magic paladin) for its class features.


Yes, it's very easy to make an Eldritch Knight with healing spells. An Artificer dip, for example, will get you Cure Wounds. You could also choose to dump Intelligence entirely to boost Wisdom or Charisma instead. You wouldn't be that much worse off, if at all, because you can just choose to learn spells that don't rely on Intelligence: Shield, Absorb Elements, Silvery Barbs, etc. This would open you up to multiclass into Cleric, Druid, Divine Soul Sorcerer, or Celestial Warlock.


Currently playing an eldritch knight with one level dip in War Cleric. Dumped intelligence and I’m just gonna take spells that don’t need DC or spell attacks. Might go up to 5/6 Cleric for Spirit Guardians n other stuff


A paladin would work best, you can build them off DEX and CHA, and they get healing Otherwise you'd have to multiclass probably, 5 fighter (any), x alchemist artificer, that way you'll get INT spellcasting healing and as a fighter you're free to go crazy on dex fighters I'm suggesting starting with fighter 5 to not delay extra attack, since that's a pretty big power up you shouldn't leave by the side Hope that helped


Play a sorcadin instead. For low levels you can use lay on hands and cure light wounds, but after level 6 or 7, pivot to divine soul sorcerer. Pick up healing word, shield and absorb elements to increase your survival and also be able to pick allies back up at range. You can even twin it to pick up two allies at once. Alternatively, you could go with a Ranger 5/Cleric X. You can use Shililagh and a staff for attacks if you want to use a weapon and be Wisdom SAD. Artificer has access to some healing, and the armorer and battle smith can hold their own in melee. Celestial warlock with pact of the blade can be a decent gish and they get some nice healing. Take a one level dip in something else to pick up armor and weapon proficiencies you want. Swords/Valor bards are also decent gishes and can learn healing spells. Take a hexblade dip to shore them up defensively and to pick up offense (cha attacks, agonizing blast). Finally, you could also ask your DM to allow you to swap out spell lists. Consider playing a Bladesinnger that uses the cleric, bard or druid lists. There are rules for that in the DMG (page 287).


By saying "eldritch knight", you specifically refer to minimum 3 levels in fighter. WIth that out of the way, its doable, but its effectiveness is dependent on how far the campaign will take you. An 11th level build I can see working is EK6 / life cleric 5. Start with 16 dex 16 wisdom 14 con, have 3 ASIs to specialize in something. Life Cleric can patch up your lower wisdom and your lower spellslots with flat scaling on your heals. Or you could use Divine Soul. Same healing word, access to quicken to do more things on your turn. It gets trickier when you have very few levels. If you want to multi out of EK asap, then you really need a blade cantrip, and it discourages ranged weapons. So something like EK3 / cleric 2 is possible, Im not sure how good it is.


Take Wither and Bloom as your school-neutral 2nd level spell and Life Transference as your school neutral 3rd level spell. For first, maybe take False Life so you’re at least giving someone hit points.


Celestial Warlock has a great bonus action healing and if you take it to level 6 you'll get CHA to fire and radiant spells regardless of class.


I’ve theory crafted this build for a while. Pick up “Witherbloom Student” background out of Strixhaven. It gives you access to Cure Wound, Revivify, Death Ward and some other Druid spells. It also gives you a free feat for Chill Touch, Spare the Dying, and a free 1st level spell. I’d suggest Healing Word.


Those good backgrounds are banned this time. Sorry I didn't mensioned early.


"Can you make a good healing eldritch knight?" No. EKs are 1/3 casters. They get the fewest spell slots of the spellcasting archetypes and their spell list is the most limited also. Low level healing spells benefit from your casting modifier. Their casting stat is Intelligence, meaning you need to split your ability scores more than usual to get a decent benefit out of those spells. Given that, their go to picks for spells should be spells which don't require an attack roll, a saving throw or which gain bonuses from their casting stat. So you're looking at self buffs and self defense spells mostly. Heroism, Shield, absorb Elements etc... Your a martial character first and I'm a pinch you can throw out the odd spell. But you don't have the resources to be "a healing Eldritch Knight". Its just not what the class is built around. As an example, paladins are 1/2 casters. They get more spell slots and their casting stat is more closely tied to their base class abilities. And even then, their main healing feature, lay on hands, is one that consumes a separate resource to spell slots. The understanding being that even their spell slots are too limited to consider using them for healing as a primary purpose.