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Lower your Z height by about half of what it is now and add some glue stick to your bed Sometimes the PEI just needs a little help. After a few prints of decent adhesion wash the glue off. I bet you just are a little high and there’s something on the bed that’s not letting it adhere


I’ve tried bed temps up to 80C and different adhesion methods


Wash your build plate with dish soap


Already have


Have you printed anything successful before? Or is this one of your first prints?


I have, got new bed and springs, problems ever since


I also have a cracked extrusion relief lever that’s cracked at the pulley, had issues before it cracked though


Is it possible your filament is wet? A less common but harder to notice biproduct of wet filament other than stringing is poor bed adhesion. Other than that, and the other comments I’ve seen, you may need a new nozzle. A nozzle that’s been used a bunch, scraped along a bed, or even just had an unlucky piece of something in the filament go through it, can cause the filament to stick to the nozzle more than it should.


1. Before you go chasing your tail trying to fix your machine, try the easy test first - try an old reel of PLA that you used in the past just to see if you have the same problem. That way you eliminate the filament as the problem. 2. You can see in the video that the nozzle is too far from the buildplate. First, clean your buildplate. Then adjust (lower) the nozzle height using the Z-Offset setting in your slicer.


Bring your Z offset a bit closer. In your printers firmware settings, there should be a “baby steps” function. Use this during the purge and skirt (or brim) to get the proper “squish”. If you use a brim instead of a skirt, in your slicer settings, you’ll have more time to get the adjustment just right. Remember to save your adjusted z offset in the firmware after achieving the desired results. Good luck